The weekend falls away

September 20th, 2020

Alaskan Fall

Our Sunday drive for fall color started off pretty nicely. Fall comes and goes pretty rapidly in Alaska and we wanted to get a few more pictures while the picture taking was good. This is one of the side roads in Sterling Alaska:
Sterling before the clouds
Beautiful start, some high clouds, and clouds well in the distance. We were hoping once we got to Cooper landing the clouds would part and separate, That did not happen, however that did not prevent me from taking some pictures.

Here is the view of where a lot of sheep like to hang out, you not likely to see any today however. This is a two shot panoramic stitched together shot using Autostitch

Cooper Landing area
This was with my landscape lens on set at 20 mm. It was a pretty overcast day, but still light enough for some nice shots. These were taken from inside my vehicle with the window rolled down and hand held.

Next stop was for Tern Lake. I am glad we went there were a few swans there and a couple of the pictures came out nice so now I'll have a Feathered Friends post to make in a day or two,

Old Sterling Highway at Tern Lake
I have only driven down the road a couple of miles and that was when I was much younger and dumber, and did not have a lick of sense. I was not prepared in the least for this road in a car, it is meant for four wheel drive vehicles set up to travel back country, (meaning you better have a wench and ropes).

End of the run for the fish, they are happy to have reached their spawning grounds. Not as many in the photo as I got one year, and not very easy to see but the fish are there.

Tern Lake spawning fish

They have a small viewing platform to stand on and watch the fish. I was not fast enough to capture any jumping, there were a few splashes as some of them were jumping.

This is the little bridge you drive over to get to the rest are, it is one car at a time.

Tern Lake campground bridge

This is a pretty nice scenic area, here is what the road looks like leaving the area.
DSC_0440  Copy tern lake campground exit.jpg

I think I will end with the bog view from the Tern Lake overlook. This image is 32 stitched together frames once again using the Autostitch program.
View of Tern Lake from the overlook

This was taken with my 55-300 mm lens, I don't recall the settings I used but it was a pretty high ISO and all the images were taken in portrait orientation of the camera and was hand held, (that was why for the high ISO)

I have a lot more pictures from the day and may get around to sharing more of them in a later post. I hope everyone was able to end their weekend on a high note, it is always nice when the blah days can become spectacular days.

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