The life I have left, only 12 months... (WEEK 169)

"As a day well spent brings a happy dream, life well spent brings a happy death."

-Leonardo da Vinci


If someone were to tell me that I have only twelve months to live...

I try to imagine that situation, to go to that moment and live it, feel it. It's the only way to know what I would do, the only way.

If I had twelve months to live, I would hug my family several times a day, tell them how much I love them and how happy I have been to have chosen them as my family.

If I had twelve months to live I would pet my cats as I did the first day I held them in my hands, so tiny they were, my protectors with their unconditional love. I gave them all the love I have and I would continue to give it to them, I wouldn't change a thing.

If I had twelve months to live, I would make a short trip to Argentina to hug my best friend and tell her that it was a blessing and an honour to find her in my path. I would go back, find my friend here, hug her and share with her the coffee she likes best, listening to her attentively.

If I had twelve months to live, I would go into the sea several times in that time. Feel the softness of the water touching my skin, the fish brushing against me, look at the horizon, smell the salt and feel at one with the warmth of its caresses.


If I had twelve months to live, I would continue designing, painting, possibly my masterpiece, because that is what makes me happiest.

If I had twelve months to live, I would leave all my papers in order, those that are not. Responsibility for one's actions is the fundamental thing.

If I had twelve months to live, I would learn as much as I could of what I am missing about the secrets of life, of that deep union I have with my other self, to unite with it definitively and to be free.

If I had twelve months to live, I would write a book, the one that should be in my head. The one that comes from my heart and soul. A book that speaks of my experiences and learnings and that can help others.

If I had twelve months to live, I would go to a forest to touch the trees, sit next to one, close my eyes and just be with them. Nature always speaks to us, we just have to know how to listen to it.

If I had twelve months to live, I would look for those people to whom I had something left to say, because I said there will be time, but there isn't any more... because I didn't do it before, I would think.

If I had twelve months to live, I would parachute, I would climb a very high mountain, I would dive among coral reefs.

If I had twelve months to live, I wouldn't stop listening to the music I'm most passionate about every day, music inspires, raises the vibration and connects.


If I had twelve months to live, I would look for a way to sail the sea, I have always been passionate about boats, of any size, I imagine a unique sense of peace and freedom.

If I had twelve months to live, I would go without waiting to my dream place, not to live, but to feel the primal source of knowledge: Egypt, its pyramids.

If I had twelve months to live....

After thinking about all this, I say to myself, what if I really had twelve months to live?

If I had twelve months to live, I would tell people not to wait to do what they love to do most, their hobby, to develop their talent, to live life.

If I had twelve months to live, I would tell people to live, but always responsibly, don't think about doing to other people what you wouldn't want them to think about doing to you. Thought is an unsuspected source of energy. We are what we think, what we feel, the decisions we make, and the paths we take.

If I had twelve months left to live, I would continue to spread what I learned on my path, what worked for me and changed my life, who has ears to hear let them hear.


Always grateful @galenkp, for these wonderful themes. This one especially touched me to the extreme. Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to express ourselves and tell our experiences.

Best regards to all and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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