Happiness and success, an intimate relationship. (WEEK 227)

Choices in life determine the future, if we choose what is good, what is right and what we enjoy and makes us happy, we will be on the right path.


As it is not my habit to drink because it doesn't feel good and the results would be undesirable, be it wine or beer, it is better to choose other paths.

You know me, I love cats, they are my life and I love art galleries, there would be nothing new in that. And I definitely wouldn't move too far from where I live because I love this city. So the deduction my mind made in mentally answering this weekend's questions is very clear.

I believe that happiness is an internal state of the human being, something that is not found outside of us but inside us, nothing that is outside can give us happiness if it is not part of our soul.

Therefore, of the two options, between professional success or personal happiness, I choose personal happiness, as I believe that the professional comes as a consequence.

When we discover this inner happiness, we share it with the world and it shows in the way we relate to others. No one can make us happy from the outside, what if that person is no longer there or disappears? So we are unhappy?

That is why personal happiness is the path I have chosen, because when one discovers it, the whole world changes, because we look at it with different eyes and when we feel happy, like a kind of peace of mind, something that cannot be described with words, the right people who vibrate in the same tune arrive. People who vibrate differently move away. They are not compatible.

For the same reason, professional success comes by chance, because we will attract it without wanting it.

Facundo Cabral said: He who loves what he does is blessedly condemned to success.

Having inner or personal happiness will mean that we do what we love and therefore the rest will come when it should come, of course this inner work takes great effort and will. Without perseverance there is nothing in life. To get something you have to do something.

Personal happiness does not come from heaven, the inner work is hard but satisfying. Then everything will turn out as we have worked, the universe conspires to make it so. Like attracts like.

That inner work consists of knowing ourselves, knowing ourselves and knowing with sincerity how we are, getting the best out of ourselves and finding that inner motivation for our life, which we must remember should not come from outside or from someone else.

We are individual beings and that strength comes from the source of our heart, we come for a reason, a reason, every soul does. Discovering that will be what will bring us personal happiness. Otherwise emptiness will reign.

We are born alone and we die alone... our happiness consists in finding what we come for, finding that meaning.

And what would you choose, professional success or personal happiness? I'd love to read you in the comments.


Always grateful to @galenkp for bringing these creative topics to express ourselves and our experiences.

Thank you all for reading this far, I wish you a great weekend and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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