Weekend Planning - In Search of the Sunlight

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Hello Weekenders!

I hope you are all getting ready for the weekend...we're ALMOST there guys!

This weekend I really want to get out of the house. We haven't been out for a walk for a while and I can feel cabin fever starting to creep in. The weather here the last few days has been bordering on storming and the temperature has been dropping at night to the point where it is uncomfortable without an extra sweater or jacket. I'm hoping to get some outdoors stuff packed into the weekend while we still have warm sunny afternoons - their frequency seems to be diminishing rapidly.

The weather forecast for Saturday is partly cloudy, 17 to 23 degrees C with low tide at 3pm. Not a bad option for a beach day. Sunday is going to be paartly cloudy 19 to 25 degrees C but low tide peaks at 6pm so this might be a better day for a short hike or long walk. There's a small nature reserve not far from us that I wanted to check out last weekend but the weather didn't allow for it, so perhaps we will be able to go this weekend once all the household chores are done.

This week was very busy and I've had some stressful situations to deal with so I NEED to do something to break away from that and reset things for the week to come. Some time outside in a pretty natural setting always does wonders to rejuvenate my energy and zest for life. I know many here feel the same way.

While we generally have very mild winters in South Africa, it isn't really pleasant to be outside when it's storming so I'm going to keep a close eye on the weather forecast for changes before setting anything in stone. The last time we went to a nature reserve without checking the weather we got caught in a massive thunder storm where I had to drive down a dirt track mountain pass that became more river than road - my car is not a 4x4. It was scary and something I would choose to not repeat if given the option - safety first.

If the weather holds on Saturday, it will probably turn into a picnic - yummy food in the big outdoors? Yes please! I got us some hotdog rolls, viennas and hot cross buns today so I'm looking forward to it already.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend guys and gals - I can't wait to read your weekend-engagement entries and catch up with you! Whatever you get up to, I hope you have a great time!

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