Lazy Like Lasagne


For the last few weeks we've had very typical autumn weather here. Beautiful sunny days for the most part, but by 4pm the temperature drops fast and before you know it, you're freezing your bum cheeks off.

To combat this I tend to end up wearing multiple layers of clothing. I've never been that into artificial heating or cooling and when I worked in England it was customary to get to work wearing 4 to 5 layers.

This change of seasons has brought on sinusitis or a cold or whatever and I've only let it keep me down in the mornings when I really struggle to get out of bed because my body feels tired. I noticed that it's been bringing down my mood a bit too because I've been falling behind with the household chores. Today I slowed the pace and it actually felt like a real Saturday.

I tend to find it difficult to be idle because there's always stuff that needs doing and I wear multiple caps each day in order to get them done. I used to work until the early hours of the morning but it started taking a toll and now I try to get an average of 6 to 8 hrs of sleep a night. Some nights I do, some nights I don't.

This afternoon I even tried to have a nap on the couch. It didn't quite happen as LL wasn't interested in anything of the sort so I got about half an hour before I was up getting things organized again.

This evening I made a kick ass lasagne which was highly enjoyable. I don't know why I don't make it very often, but when I do, it is soul food.

The white bechamel sauce came out just right, nice consistency with hints of nutmeg and pepper. To the mince I added a generous couple pinches of oregano, and sweet basil herbs. I use Kudu and beef mince when I can get it, it's more affordable than beef mince. I love the taste of it. It seems leaner and less fatty than pure beef. A heap of mushrooms, grated carrot and garlic (even though LL doesn't like smelling it when I put it in the pot) and then obviously some squashed tomatoes and I let it all simmer down. Delectable.

LL and I had the best time "cracking the cap" of grilled cheese topping together. Then we devoured it like a couple of savages. I may have even licked my plate, no not really but I felt like I could have. Needed to set an example though so I resisted.

It was a nice day with an even tempo to it and didn't feel like I was running from pillar to post on my to-do list. I might even binge watch a few episodes of something mindless tonight before I go to bed. Not an overly adventurous Saturday but highly enjoyable and somewhat restful. I think it's exactly what I needed to get stuck right back in tomorrow and play catch up.

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