Have a Dream, Make a Wish part III - Weekend Engagement 105

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"It's easy to be a naive idealist. It's easy to be a cynical realist. It's quite another thing to have no illusions and still hold the inner flame.“

— Marie-Louise von Franz Swiss psychologist and scholar 1915 - 1998

Guilty pleasures? What an oxymoron that is when you think about it.

Well what would a gal like me consider a guilty pleasure? I'm not the type of person to let people into my world very easily, but if there is one thing that I would count as a guilty pleasure, it would be "idealistic daydreaming".

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The pleasure of simply switching off of what is current reality and delving into a completely different world, envision what it would consist of, how an average day could feel sublime. How having hair brushed from your eyes is comforting. Where linking arms is fun and embraces feel warm and welcoming. Normal activities would be vibrant and exciting adventures. Life would feel a little less dull and mundane. Where laughter would erupt at my silliness and late night snacks with hot chocolate in pyjamas on cold winter nights would be shared infront of the fireplace.

Some days I don't allow myself the scope to get caught up in it, but on occassion I lie in bed with my fingertips running over my soft, fluffy blanket and I close my eyes.

I'm instantly in a different place. The air feels different on my skin and the midday light is fading. There is soft music playing. An average day to most, but my heart is full and my skin tingles as the breeze wafts past and swirls back round me.

"Come on, we're going for a drive"
"Where to?"
"Let's go get a coffee and see where we end up"
"As if I'd ever say no" Smiling eyes.

Bookshops and coffee shops and a walk down the city avenue. Watching the sun go down and repainting the blue sky with tones of gold, orange, vermillion bursting to pink. The same skies I have watched a million times but they've never seemed quite so bright before.

I fade off to sleep. Warm, comfortable, feeling lighter and content.

I daydream of normal, every day kind of days because I've lived through some of the hardest ones already. I find beauty in my day now and will find magic in the days still to come. My guilty pleasure - I allow myself to daydream of the future.

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