Weekend of preparations for CBW 2023

Image created by the organization of Caracas Blockchain Week for use by speakers to promote the event.

Greetings my dear community. I hope you are enjoying a relaxing, fun or exciting weekend, however you imagined it.
For me, there hasn't been much change between the weekdays and the weekend, because remember I didn't leave the house for several days while I was looking after my son who is recovering from his surgery.

I've been home looking after my son, working from here, including on Saturday, and studying a bit, so it's been a pretty productive weekend.
Since my husband and the other kids are home, they've been keeping Isaac company more, playing video games with him.

The reason I've been studying (although I'm certainly always studying), but these days I've been reviewing more topics I wanted to reinforce related to Bitcoin, Web3 and NFTs, because next weekend I'll be participating in an event called Caracas Blockchain Week, where I'll be moderating two panel discussions related to these topics.

I will also be working with the Hive team, as together we will be manning our blockchain stand at this great event. You can't imagine the preparations and surprises we are planning, thanks to the support of @valueplan. So, a lot of my focus this weekend has been on doing my best in these engagements.

One of the most fun things I did was to get ready for a photo shoot representing Hive, our brand, and to shoot a video inviting everyone to join the event, which you'll be able to see on my blog very soon, don't miss it.

I also took other video shots to contribute to the plan that the social media team is developing for the event, and I must say that although it was something very simple, I repeated the shots many times and could not choose just one to send to the producers, I sent them several for them to choose from. It was easier for me to shoot the longer video than this last one, I don't know why?

I've been thinking, especially yesterday, Saturday, about the time I've wasted, sometimes watching Instagram reels and getting lost, sometimes losing sleep at night, sometimes losing wonderful time to do things around the house and have things the way I want them and the way I like them, and sometimes time to read a good book.

I imagine it must be because of the amount of things I have had to do and eventually I find myself giving in to the feeding, usually some physical discomfort is what makes me realise it.

I end my weekend by making a detailed agenda of what I will do each day of the next week to be as prepared as I want to be for the event.
So that's how my day ends, and I've enjoyed telling you about it.

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I am always creating original content, any topic I write about in my blog is approached from my experience and my personal point of view "as I lived it and as I see it" unless I indicate otherwise and I will always be attentive to provide information to the community. As in this case, my blog banners were created in Adobe Express and Canva



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