Traveling is one of the way I have fun always and I am very happy when I visit a new city on Planet Earth. The ocean is among the creation by God that exist on planet earth and everyone can see and as well we at times go to the beach for excursions or holidays but part of the things that is hidden for man is the other planets(space) that they will have to struggle so much before they can visit.

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I always wonder if there are other planet as scientists have claim because seeing is believing I will love to see the other planet too and this will make me to choose traveling to the space for a week to being on an exploration diving the depth of water.
I will take a camera with me to take pictures of things that I see in the space.

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The rocket is a fast space transporter and I think I should be in space before a week.
Looking at the sky's and imaging how it is close to earth. The moon, the sun, stars and the galaxy even the rain I always wonder if there is generator or probably a transformer controlling them and one day will see how they look like in reality getting close to them.

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Talking about traveling to space, if I was giving a ticket to choose where I would love to visit, I will choose the ATANTICA because of the stories I have heard about the, the level of cold in the planet, how white the planet is an even to explore and see new things in the planet and as well take the pictures of everything there.

My reason leaving the planet earth to the space is that all my entire life I have been on the planet earth and have seen almost all in it so if I have the ticket of visiting the space, with joy and lots of happiness in me, I will accept the offer because I am visiting a place that is different from the planet I am.
Thanks for reading my post.

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