Love is freedom

Talking about freedom can give rise to different opinions depending on the life experience of each being. However, for me it means being fully aware of who I am.

As a child I was always fascinated by watching the lightness of the birds, their flight, their flapping, the sound they make and how they glide in the wind... I could stay for hours watching them fly. I could watch my brother play with his kite, the children who from the rooftops of their houses would maneuver their kite with the string over long distances.

The difference between these flights is that a bird is totally free to direct its wings while, the kite, that beautiful flight is directed by the one who tightens the string.....

Freedom is to be in fullness and in connection with nature, with what surrounds me, it is to accept myself from the sacredness of my humanity and thus see the other. To decide where I want to live, with whom I want to build myself in love? To know that there is a road to travel, to make it light, to get rid of heavy burdens that captivate me, making me a prisoner in spirit, body and mind.

I remember once I accompanied a woman who was going to give birth to her second child, at that time I was working as a Doula at the Maternidad Concepción Palacios, the most important maternity hospital in the capital. This woman in the last strong and painful contractions lived it to the fullest, I asked her:

-What do you want to do?

We walked and as we did so -with some difficulty- she told me that she wanted to give birth screaming. Suddenly she shouted: I want to push, she bent down, the doctors came closer to do the touching. The baby would be born at any moment.

-To the delivery room immediately!

We take her. She holds my hand saying she wants to give birth sitting up, she turns around and repeats it to the doctor, he answers: we have to check you, he does it saying: I can feel the baby's head!

You are going to sit down and push as hard as you can, says the doctor. I put the back of the chair straight, she says I want to be on my back... in that room we were five
people between the doctor, the nurses, her and me... for me it was just us in that cold room.

Suddenly she stands up and turns around, spreads her legs, leans against the back of the chair, I look into her dilated eyes and say to her,

-The journey of birth begins for you as a mother and for your baby.

She breathes in and on the exhale she pushes, we repeat this three times. On the last one, she bends down, takes a breath of air, that woman looked like a goddess, in that moment only she existed, from her full freedom. That scream stopped everything, turning the moment into a slow motion, the baby's cry made the course continue....

Deciding how to bring your baby into the world, asserting that decision and respecting the moment in that vulnerable state of the human being is an act of absolute love, it is an act of complete freedom.

This content is inspired by @galenkp proposal for this weekend.

Fotografías de mi galería personal, editadas en Canva
Twitter: @soyaguamiel

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