Sweet 16/ WE101

Sweet 16.gif

from PxHere

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We all have memories of good and bad moments, of ages that we would like to live again or the opposite, maybe relive them but with the wisdom and knowledge that we have today or because they were very good for us or maybe not, most likely because it was bitter, painful or dangerous, maybe because of illness, the loss of a loved one, a bad relationship, that year that everything went wrong and so many that I could think of, around these themes revolves the WE101, of all the interesting topics that it presents us, where by the way it was difficult for me to choose, I finally decided for this one:


What an age


In my life I have had bad moments and also many good ones, at first I thought of disappearing something of it, but analyzing I have come to the conclusion that from those bitter and hard moments, they allowed me to gain experience, as bitter as they could be and now I look at them as what they were, learning, besides I am sure that they gave me wisdom and knowledge, that is why I have chosen to remember those in which my biggest concerns were to attend classes and pass the subjects or I would have problems at home.

If I could be 16 years old again, I was studying high school at the Andrés Bello High School, I was specifically in the 4th year, that is, I was two years away (counting that one) to graduate, but the special thing about that year was my classmates, the beautiful group we had.


from PxHere

Now, at Andres Bello High School since I entered until that year, I studied with the same classmates, some left, others arrived, but it was always the same group, so we had already shared some years, but that was special, the reason, we could already say we were a little more mature and I do not remember who came up with the idea of holding the first matinee on a Friday, that day we became famous.

Now what is a matinee in Venezuela, in this case it was a dance party in the afternoon, that is to say from 12 to 6 in the afternoon, where you dance, eat and you can have drinks, but in this case, we were very healthy young people and we were only dedicated to dance and eat, the matinees were always at a classmate's house and there were always adults with us, besides that, in that group we enjoyed dancing, that was what kept us awake at night, it was our passion.



Imagen de Andrea Speha en Pixabay

It was a wonderful school year, we looked forward to every Friday and since Monday we were already wondering at whose house would be the Friday matinee, so close we became, that we have already made three or four reunions in which we have remembered those moments, shared our current life and obviously at some times we have danced, I take the opportunity to share some videos of the music we liked so you have an idea of the moment.

Therefore and without a doubt, that would be the age to which I would return, because I was happy with my classmates and friends, of which with many, I still have contact and some are my friends, so I say goodbye without being able to share with you even a photo of those days, because I hated the pictures and tried not to go out in any, hahaha, a big hug and until a next publication.


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