Love and Loss / WE103

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Love is something wonderful, when we fall in love we feel that everything around us is perfect and magical, it seems that we are walking on clouds, now to feel that love is over, that person is gone, it is terrible, well we could also talk about a beloved relative, who has left this plane, everyone can see it from their own point of view, but in my case, the experience that I will share refers to the love between a man and a woman, so it is not necessary to explain that the choice for this WE103 was:


Love and Loss


I was just 18 years old, that is to say I was just starting to live, I had just graduated from high school and since I did not manage to enter college immediately, my mother encouraged me to work while I was waiting, I presume so I would not be at home as a parasite and also to avoid the leisure that is such a bad counselor.

So I started working in a fast food restaurant, there I met a boy of the same age, we fell in love and became boyfriend and girlfriend, but frankly now that I look at it, I was not prepared for a relationship, I did not know what it really implied.


Photo by susanlu4esm from PxHere

I already saw myself married with children and all that, when it was a courtship, that is, a relationship to get to know the other person better and see how far you can go if you are truly willing to decide for that person because he/she will hardly change and has virtues and defects just like you, besides I was too young to think about marriage.

The thing is that I was in love and I did not handle that, I did not have the sentimental maturity, I wanted to be with him 24/7, that is to say, I did not allow or understand that it was good from time to time not to see each other and share with others, to have our own spaces, besides I was jealous, but with everything, this young man really loved me because he tolerated me enough and I sincerely felt very good by his side, but as young people one day the relationship ended and that loss I did not know how to handle it.


from PxHere

So, when the relationship ends it is normal that we all live a mourning, the point is that like any process takes time and not everyone recovers in the same way or in the same period of time, but I fell into a horrible depression, I even lost weight and cried machismo, many people visited me, but I refused to get out of it, because as many know a depressed person does not leave the picture if he does not want to do it and so it was, fortunately for me. One day, I asked myself a series of questions that in a few words focused on whether it was really necessary to continue in that state, since he had continued his life and I had thrown myself to die, so since that day I got up and resumed my life, with its ups and downs, with successes and failures and having a huge respect for depression, because I know what it can bring in the life of a person when he/she is overwhelmed by it.

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Finally, I can say that everything lived can be hard at the time, but undoubtedly has a purpose, especially to teach us, to nurture us, and we must remember that everything happens the bad and also the good, a hug and until a future publication.


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