A Well Weekend Spent

Yesterday was a beautiful and a memorable one. As I wake up, the first thing I did was to sit and pray. Asking for the guidance from above and to have a positive day. I grabbed my phone afterwards. Scrolling through my cellphone, a notification pop up with a message, "let's have a coffee later." Another message from my notification that says, " I will give you something later." Since I have a Saturday class. I fixed myself, ate breakfast, and drink a cup of coffee.



As I travelled, I forgot those messages. So, as I enter the institution, the only thing that runs in my mind are the things that we are going to tackle in our class. In short, I didn't expect at all.

I was about to have my lunch with my classmates when I received a text message asking, "Manang(sister), where are you? I have something to give you." We exchanged conversation through call until we met. She gave me a small paper bouquet, with three pink tulips together with a small letter that tells how proud she is of me.


My tears fell down as I read those lines. Knowing how lucky I am to hear those words coming from people I didn't expect to have an impact in my life. She just hugged me tight and told me not to cry.

After a couple of hour, someone approached me and told me to have a coffee with her. I was hesitant at first but as a coffee lover, why would I hesitate. So, I grabbed the opportunity. We walked for 2 kilometers to have a coffee that is well known. While walking, we talked about how our lives revolve. Experience, struggles, and other stuffs that makes us who are we. It take a while since the line was so long. When it's our turn, I ordered matcha and for her is a dark choco coffee. We went back to our institution with a smiling face since we have a coffee.


While having a sip, we exchanged conversations until we finished our coffees. As an elder between us, it is a privilege to receive advices from younger than you. I have so much to change and correct with how I play my story. After those conversations that we had, she went back to her class.


Little did I know she will send me a message to meet her in front of the Activity Center or the gymnasium in our school. I laughed as I asked her, "Where are you? I can't see you." She answered, "Wait!" We laughed as our eyes meet. Then she offered me a box of pizza with a two slices inside of it. We shared it together. Then, she went back.

I was just overwhelmed for the reason that someone out there is thinking about you. When you thought all along that you don't have someone who remembers you and mind you. It made me realize that, there are so many people who cared for me. It may be in what forms of love.

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