Steem - Turns out the easiest way to make STEEM go up was right in front of us the whole time!

All we needed to do was start a governance war and steem would go up!

Who would have thunk?!

All this time we have been trying to build apps and on-board new users into existing apps, but really all we needed to do was just start a governance war with a rich dude and the price would start going up.


Steem has been hanging in there these past few days and it is mostly due to Justin Sun and his team buying steem off of the Bittrex etc and trying to beef up their witnesses votes.

He is doing this to make sure his stake doesn't get frozen again.

Community members have also been buying steem to beef up their witness votes as well.

All in all, we have a governance war that has resulted in steem climbing the ranks on coinmarketcap...

Steem has moved up to 66th place:


That 66th place ranking is ironically the highest (lowest?) steem has been in some time.

Back a few weeks ago when the price jumped to $.30, it didn't get much lower than 66th place.

It had been hanging around 78-80th for much of the last few weeks.

So, while $.20 doesn't seem that great, it goes to show how much carnage there is out there right now and that this whole governance war is helping steem climb the ranks on coinmarketcap.

It's pretty funny that all this time, the best way to get steem to climb the ranks was by starting a governance war with a rich dude.

Stay informed my friends.


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