Is Chris D'Elia Prejudiced Against 45 Year Olds?

Comedians are funny. But ageism isn't! Watch this video and listen to me virtue signal in defense of 45 year olds, a largely marginalized minority distinguishable from other humans by their wrinkles and beige hair. And if any of you want a free video chat with my friend Aaron about this, let me know and I'll see if Aaron is out of the hospital yet and if whether or not he's up for it.

On a side note, I once got an apartment with a roommate who was 85. And I had a cat. This is a totally regular thing. All the other elderly cats lived in a bigger apartment. I figured I would somehow be different from all these people. I started realizing there was one thing about me that bothered them, that one thing that made them happier than I was, and that one thing was that I was attracted to 45 year olds.

I had no reason to lie. I didn't have any responsibility. No matter how terrible my living situation was, I didn't have to lie about it. I didn't have to lie about why I didn't have a place to live. If I was asked, I told the truth. I was a responsible adult.

If you've never experienced the importance of following your own age, you'll quickly come to appreciate the journey you're on, and what I'm trying to get across. And the worst part of having a good or bad feeling about ageism is that you know that you've failed.

We all worry and beat ourselves up about the situation we're in. But is the fact that we're fighting the overwhelming odds worth making the difficult decision of making the decision to be miserable? If we just acknowledged that we might have done something that we're guilty of, would we have anything to fight?

I've learned that it's better to face your pain and do something about it than to carry on being upset. I don't think we should be putting the focus on how we feel about being an older adult. It's not the only thing we have to worry about.

Text supplemented with GPT-2
Clips of Chris D'Elia used under Fair Use guidelines for criticism / satirical purposes.
Music courtesy of Kevin Danger Jackson Creative Commons video here:

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