Serfdom & Sorcery: The First Hive Blockchain Game on Discord

We've been keeping this to ourselves...

Serfdom and Sorcery...What?!

The makers of Psyber-X have successfully created a new Hive game called "Serfdom and Sorcery" and it has now been released. It is a role playing game (RPG) that uses DBLN (Doubloon). As far as we know, it is the First HIVE game played via Discord!!! It's free to play and play to earn. We hadn't told anyone yet. We're releasing it now in its current state (essentially alpha) as a playable game, connected to the Hive blockchain...



What is a serfdom?


Serfdom was the status of many peasants under feudalism, specifically relating to manorialism, and similar systems. It was a condition of debt bondage and indentured servitude with similarities to and differences from slavery, which developed during the Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages in Europe and lasted in some countries until the mid-19th century.

Unlike slaves, serfs could not be bought, sold, or traded individually though they could, depending on the area, be sold together with land.


In Serfdom & Sorcery, you start as a serf. You work your way up to peasant and keep climbing the ladder. Upon entering the Psyber-X Discord, you will find a couple of rooms.


You start in one of the 4 rooms and type in the command !register. You'll be prompted to then enter your Hive username. This will link your Discord name with your Hive account. Next, you'll be asked to choose an occupation/expertise from the following: combat, nature, or pilager. Yes, pillager is currently misspelled. Deal with

Your choice of expertise is spelled out here:

  1. Nature: Masters of resource gathering, nature experts gain increased efficiency in farming, fishing, and other resource activities.
  2. Combat: Skilled fighters who deal more damage in battles and have higher chances of success in combat activities.
  3. Pilager: Experts in stealing resources from others, pilagers have increased success rates in looting and raiding activities.

Which will your choose for your journey? (nature, combat, or pilager):

Once you have chosen which expertise you want, the next thing to do is up to you. Choose your own adventure, really. Here are the commands you can use to start your role in the game:

Available Commands:

  • !help - Show this help message

  • !register - Register your account. 3 different messages from bot to follow:

    • image.png
  • !attack - Attack a random monster
  • !stats - Show your character's stats
  • !upgrade <attack/defense> - Upgrade your character's attack or defense
  • !buy_potion <small/medium/large/revive> - small: 25, medium: 50, large: 100 HP healed. cost: S: 200, M: 500, L: 1000,revive: 500
  • !heal <small/medium/large> - Use a potion to heal your character
  • !withdraw - Withdraw tokens to your Hive account (must be paired with a hive account)
  • !buy_farm - Buy a farm to receive daily tokens 50,000 DBLNs, 300 daily tokens farmed per farm
  • !revive - Revive your character if they died in battle (must buy revive potion)
  • !deposit - Deposit tokens from hive-engine to use in game.
  • !quest - Start a new quest to defeat a specific monster and earn tokens based on the quest difficulty. Players can only start a new quest every 3 hours.
  • !resetquest - Reset your current quest and get a new one if you don't want to complete the current one. Players can only reset their quest once.
    !leaderboard - Check the leaderboard to see the top players in the game based on their rank in the feudal system, amount of tokens, and stats. (currently not working)
  • !fish - Try your luck at fishing to catch fish that yields you tokens.
  • !steal <Discord name> - Try to steal from a registered user;

More to come...

There will be more added...imagine all the fun you can have with sorcery! There will also be the chance to be the king who earns taxes from the serfs below him. Climb to be the king and you get the taxes! Buy a farm and earn DBLN every day. Go fishing. There will be much much more to come.

Come join us in Discord. As to play, play to earn is our style.

The new Doubloons? Here ya go:



Are You Ready to Play?



If you're ready to play Psyber-X, all you need to do is go to our Discord to grab a free key for download.



If you're ready to play Psyber-Decks, all you need to do is visit the site and it is available to those who have purchased/earned a crate. You'll be able to jump right on in. Go there, check out the NEW CRATE OPENING GRAPHICS! Then bookmark the website!

Serfdom & Sorcery


Officially released, there's only one way to play this fun RPG that is free to play, play to earn as the first Hive Discord game. Go get some free DBLN!

Start as a Serf and work your way to being a KING!

Special Psyber-X NFT Packages

Also, there are 3 passes that provide package deals for Psybercrates and specialized NFTs. They are the Bronze, Silver, and Gold passes. With the help of @psybersects, you can use $Hive to buy 2 of the 3 passes (Gold and Silver). See the details about using $HIVE HERE



The Bronze pass is 1.5 avax to mint. It comes with a Legendary weapon. There are a limited number of these passes, but this is a guaranteed way to get a Legendary NFT. @bobthebuilder2 bought one just for the weapon.


The Silver pass is 0.05 Eth and comes with 10 Psybercrates (During the current sale: $50 value), 2 Legendary Weapons (value depends on market), and 1 Character (value depends on market).


The Gold pass is 0.3 Eth and comes with 100 Psybercrates (During the current sale: $500 value), 1 Character, 3 Weapons, and recognition as a Founder.

Once purchased, notify us on Discord with your transaction number/link and we'll put you on a list so you can get your Psybercrates and other goodies. We look forward to playing with you! If you are not able to buy any of the passes, LVL is available on the Hive Engine and in both the LVL:Swap.Eth and LVL:Swap.Hive Liquidity Pools.

Find NFTs and Psybercrates now on Psyber-Decks.

The price is temporarily reduced from $20 USD equiv to $5 USD equiv.

See details here.

Notable Posts:


Financial Links

Buying Level 1 (LVL)


Hive Engine


Psyber-Decks is a mini-game being developed to use Psyber-X NFTs. If you'd like to be able to play the game, you simply need to buy 1 Psybercrates on Psyber-Decks for the Alpha testing access. We have released access to the pre-alpha version of Psyber-Decks, where you can buy a Psybercrate here

Social Links

Psyber-X on Pimp Media

PsyberX on 1UP Zone

Hive account @psyberx

Twitter account psyberxofficial

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Official Facebook page Psyber X

Our Instagram account PsyberXofficial

The official Psyber X TikTok

Telegram Chat Invite

The Gaming Studio Royal Reptile Twitter

NftShowroom Psyber X Collection

Psyber X Blog on Reddit

Official 3Speak PsyberX Account

Whatsapp Chat Invite

Line App Chat Invite

image.png Cast.Garden Channel (Think Hive YouTube)

*There is nothing in this post that should be construed as financial advice. If you are looking for financial advice from a blog post, you're looking the wrong place. Talk to someone who has a fiduciary responsibility to look out for you if that's what you're looking for. Be responsible!

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