I'll shed a tear for those who've earned it, but not for the spineless.

I've been talking to some guys from Melbourne recently, on twitter - discussing the totalitarian measure's that have put into place under the guise of 'covid'.

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The people I'm talking to are in a state of desperation concerning the total subservience and apathy that the people of Victoria are showing.

As I watch the sheeple gratefully roll over and accept their curfews, (and limit their travel to only 5km from their homes!), and passively obey everything that the 'people in authority' tell them to do, I'm saddened.

Not for the people of Victoria - They deserve everything they get. If you can't help yourself...

Now look at the Serbia...

A country with conflict very fresh in their history, a place of adults, borne from hardships.

They stormed the government building in protest!!
They are not scared little sheep.

They are not spoiled little children living in decadence, who are more than happy to have their necks stomped on - if that's what their rulers tell them that's gonna happen to them...

Pathetic, in the saddest way possible.

Nearly five million people in Victoria, and 1.6 million people in the metro area of Belgrade.

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Material decadence truly does breed soft, spineless people.

And then the totalitarians take over..

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I think it was Churchill who once said ' Australian troops are the best assault troops in the world'
Fearless, dogged, and relentless...

My god, how must the fallen soldiers, at Gallipoli be feeling right now, watching this sheeple charade...?

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I'll shed a tear for anyone standing up - and being knocked down - if they are fighting for their right to be free of oppression.

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As for those molly coddled children, who inhabit grown up bodies - those who cower, obey, and refuse to stand up?

Fuck 'em.

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