Prepping for Pickup adventures and getting back to car reviews

Today's adventure started out with talking to Sam you likely remember him from the Jimny off-road video, he planned our route.

I reached out to him again today for directions to the same place we tested the Suzuki, he sent us the locations and directions, jackpot.

These locations are around 25 miles from the house, and in the Lake District just outside Grizedale, a place where there are lots of green lanes or as they call them now BOAT (Bypass Open All Traffic).

These are routes that are open to cars bikes and motorbikes, horses even horse and carts but you really don't want to take your lowered car down these, but they are perfect for offroading.

I decided after getting the directions it would be wise to head off and locate them.

Therefore Mum and I jumped in the Mercedes and headed towards Lakeside.

Once we got off the A590 the roads got quite a bit thinner and seeing we were in the C124 we had to be wary which routes to take, they aren't the widest of roads.

The biggest challenge is getting to these locations, now they are not the kind of place you just find and unless you knew they were there. Sam used to work round Grizedale therefore knows all the green lanes.

He has also agreed to come adventuring with us on Saturday but using social distancing.


After navigating some narrow roads mainly singletrack routes, we found our destination, a single track rocky trail, there was no way the car would have got up it, mind you it would be quite fun in the Isuzu pick up that we've got coming tomorrow, we also met a horse which we will go back and say hello to and maybe a small snack, we met a farm cat too.


Starting tomorrow we've got a rather cool pick up to 7 days, however were not allowed to set foot in it for half a day due to Corona restrictions, that's the thing about car manufacturers they're all taking it very seriously, which is good news for us.

Our locations were sortet, our off-road tracks now easily located with GPS, we are currently charging everything up ready for action.

This will be our first review in 12 weeks that's unheard of and quite daunting however Annabelle and myself are going to do something every day with the vehicle to make sure that we get back into the swing of things.

...after this Pickup, we've got lots more vehicles coming as well... so in a word we're back to it.

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