Renaming Twitter as X may open new ways for web 3 microblogging platform.

Hello lovely people of Hive and Leofinance community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your life with good health and spirit. Friends, use of microblogging platform is increasing on daily basis. People prefer microblogging platform because it is short, smart and time saving. You don't need to type long message. It is an easiest way of interaction and sharing your message across the globe.


Undoubtedly Twitter is the king of microblogging platform with billion of user across the globe. Twitter new CEO Elon Musk has made a strange move. Twitter owner has renamed twitter as X. and blue bird trade mark logo also converted in to X. There are number of people who didn't like the recent update and it may create bad impact on Twitter.

In my opinion, time to say good bye to web 2.0 Twitter and do microblogging on web 3 app. We are lucky to have microblogging platform in the form of Leo Threads and waves in Hive Blockchain.

Web 3 microblogging is decentralized platform which give you freedom of speech. Such freedom is unavailable in centralized platform. Moreover, you can earn reward on sharing or even replying to follow user. Such facility is unavailable in Twitter.

Another advantages of web 3 platform is that it is free to use and you don't need to buy blue tick status. Overall a strange move by which will open new ways for web3 platform.

It is a fact that Twitter is still leading platform on microblogging platform. The popularity can be even more increased by introducing Doge coin or Floki payment. Unfortunately web 3 platfrom are no where near to of Twitter. They are far behind. Remember time never remains same. There was a time when orkut was more popular than facebook but the facebook additional future helps facebook to overcome. It is a fact people select those things which are more beneficial. In my opinion using web 3 microblogging platform is more beneficial and it has tendency to turn the table.

We need a solid campaign to compete with X (twitter.) Time to promote Leo threads and Wave and tell people about the benefits of using web 3 platfrom. It will help to increase traffic over platform. Web 3 microblogging has great future. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.

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