The Case for HIVE

Five years invested in HIVE, five years in which I've realized that HIVE is the most battled tested blockchain and I've only just realized that I'm a HIVE maximalist. I can't think of any other option but HIVE.

I wanted to look for better options and there aren't any, better communities to explore and there aren't any, i wanted to find a crypto that is easier to use and there aren't any, i wanted to find feeless cryptos and there aren't any. Maybe there are stronger communities in the crypto world like Bitcoin and ETH, but truth be told I have never felt comfortable with them. They are too toxic, I can hardly stand them. Here in HIVE there is a sweet variety of people, there is the hardcore dev and also the person who loves cooking. It's a balanced community. I also feel comfortable because I am not even the strongest hiver maximalist, that honor goes to @taskmaster4450 @edicted @theycallmedan et al. who with their posts have prevented me from giving up in the most difficult moments, in the moments of 8 cents per HIVE thank you very much I am infinitely grateful because you prevented me from being sorry my whole life.


Today HIVE has become my best investment and I know it has the brightest future, there are so many new projects that come out every day for example Blocktrades, Leofinance, Splinterlands, etc, etc.. These projects among many others will make this place YUUUGE. HIVE will undoubtedly be the next Bitcoin and ETH, it's all a matter of time and patience.

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Our community has been constantly growing and we have been patient to the extreme, and we have been through thick and thin, we don't need high prices to love HIVE, all our experiences have made us strong and wise.

Today I toast to the future of HIVE, the future looks spectacular.

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