I am still struggling to post anything from leofinance.io new UI (user interface)

As you know Leofinance team recently lounched new User interface few days ago, unfortunately I am not able to post anything from leofinance.io new UI. I tried my best but still receiving error with some other issues

I am not able to find how I can ad title into my blog post, another problem is we can not post anything until you have disktop mode active on your browser because post button not appearing on mobile, I am not even able to post any Thread or not even able to give upvote to any post


In short I am not able to do any activity from leofinance.io new UI, unfortunately old UI is not available now that's why I am posting from other Frontend or dapps like @ecency or @peakd

I am using @leofinance Frontend to post my blog posts from last more then one year and I love it, I am really missing the support of leofinance community, currently I am feeling like I am going to start from hive or leofinance journey from 0 again because I am a active part of leofinance community and my content is all about finance and cryptocurrency that's why it's very frustrating to lose to support of whole community or top supporters like @leo.voter because I am not able to post from leofinance.io natively. I also know leofinance community members or love to support content posted from leofinance.io Frontends that is a my main concern

I am trying to reach leofinance team on discord from last few days but unfortunately not able to solve the problem not even little bit, same problems and issues I am facing from day one of lounching new UI

At the end it's my humble request to leofinance community members and development team please resolved the issues otherwise we need old UI at least we can post Threads and blog posts from old User interface without having any technical issue

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