Why isn't learn-to-earn/proofoflearning a big deal yet?

2 days ago, I woke up to a message from a good friend of mine telling me about a friend of his who just got employed by a Web 3 inclined company in London to work remotely as a UI/UX designer. He told me that information to motivate me because this friend he talked about is based in Nigeria but will be getting paid about $60,000 yearly.

That may not seem like much in another country, but in mine, that's a little over 5 million Naira monthly. I was motivated and quite moved when he told me that only about a year ago the guy was a beginner.

My new pet project

When my friend talked about me taking building for web 3 seriously, I told him I was way ahead of him. My major interest in learning this is building for web 3 and now my interest has been fueled further.

That being the case, I don't want typical. I once mentioned building a learning platform on Hive where users could earn tokens for completing courses and while I had no idea what it would entail then, I still have no idea what it will entail now but, I built this.

hive education.gif

This is the primary app flow of an educational app. It's also a pet project and frankly, I began this about 2 months ago. I've gotten a lot better than this now, but it's a sample of the kind of idea I have.

I want to design a web 3 learning website, web app and mobile app where users can take courses, complete tasks and earn tokens. The idea isn't fully thought out yet because I haven't fully thought about a reward for content creators and a method of validating their content.

It's an idea in the making but I'll figure it out soon enough, I still have a project I'm working on at the moment and I probably need to revisit this app and redesign it.

Incentivised learning should be a big deal and from this article I read, only about 5-15% of online course takers actually complete their courses. Imagine how many more would if they were properly incentivised for completing these courses.

Others learn-to-earn/proofoflearning platforms

Like anyone with an idea, I did some research on other similar platforms and I found a bunch. This site mentioned a bunch of already existing web 3 platforms that reward users based on their knowledge of crypto-related information and others.

The one that caught my attention the most was Metacrafters.


This platform rewards users when they take courses to learn how to write smart contracts and build on-chain. It's gamified and I have to admit that the UI is beautiful. A bit extra, but beautiful.


These are the makers. There's also a full list of all their advisors, sponsors and soon to come partnerships. While it's a great platform, like others, it's only based on 2 things. It could be more.

I'm thinking of a platform that offers the kind of courses that Michael Saylor courses provide; product management courses, and yes, a lot of blockchain-related courses.

It could even be gamified like this for a more fun effect.

Would be nice to talk about it.

My idea isn't fully formed yet, but it would be nice if I could brainstorm with anyone who's interested in building something like this, especially on Hive.

You could chat me up on Discord on Young-boss-karin#0643. I strongly feel like this is an aspect of web 3 that hasn't been harnessed properly and holds a lot of potentials, I just can't wrap my head around it but I will.

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