Wrestling Organization Online Celebrates 2 Years!


WOO Has Been Building On Hive For 2 Years!

It's a massive day for us here at Wrestling Organization Online. It's been an entire year since we made our 1-year anniversary post and a ton has happened since then. Before we dive into a recap of what we have accomplished over the last year, we want to take a moment and thank some people who have made this all possible.


Since the first day you were interviewed, we knew we had a special dev on our hands. You have always believed in the project and have worked tirelessly to push development forward. Without you leading our dev team we would be lost. Thank you for always being there for WOO and being someone @bookerman can always turn to and trust. 🐐


You are an absolute delight and #Hive is lucky to have you as a part of the community. You're a badass and are a great voice of reason when it's needed. Without you and @valueplan #WOO would be nowhere near where it is today. Your contributions to WOO will help us survive another 20 years.


Your continued work and dedication to WOO's community is immeasurable and having you at the events this year made @bookerman's life so much easier. We can always count on you. Unless it's you being on time for a meeting. You're never there on time. 😂

@aggroed and @yabapmatt

Without Aggy, there is no WOO. Your kindness and willingness to spend your time to give our CEO @bookerman some advice is greatly appreciated. The same can be said for @yabapmatt. His willingness to sit down and discuss game mechanics and the troubles of navigating Web3 all while running a crypto business was enlightening, to say the least. Thank you for your willingness to help give others the information they need to succeed.

And last but not least I'd like to thank the #woogame community! Without the community behind us, we would be nothing. Thank you.

Now, let's get into the recap!

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WOO CEO @bookerman and Co-Founder @munchiesmcgee in Vegas

WOO - A Year In Review

WOO has accomplished a lot in the last year. We have traveled the United States to promote our brand at numerous events, we have made many successful partnerships that expand our reach, we have held successful sales, seen our website grow and upgrade, and have had a hell of a fun time while doing it. So, let's go ahead and kick off this year in review and see all the amazing stuff that has happened since Nov of 2022!


WOO Land Sale

Our biggest sale in the history of WOO took place in early 2023 with the introduction of our first territory Parts Unknown! This sale saw many users flock to our official market and purchase their own WOO City. To this date over 4,000 packs have been sold generating over $80,000 in revenue so far this year! This has allowed us to pay our partners over $8,000 this year alone! We are committed to leaving wrestling better than we found it and with the sale of our first territory we have been able to live up to that commitment. If you would like to participate and help WOO leave wrestling a better place all while helping our wrestling partners who can use it, then buy a WOO City pack here!

WOO CEO @bookerman and WCW Manager @sonnyonoo with Dax and Cash of FTR

WrestleCon 2023 - Los Angeles, CA

This was the first live event that WOO attended in 2023, but it was a great event from the get-go. Our CEO @bookerman was accompanied to the event by Pro Wrestling Manager and WOO evangelist @sonnyonoo. It is always great hanging out with Sonny, but just don't order Chinese food at a sushi place or order a fruity blue drink as he will never let you live it down.


Not only did we eat some great food but we stayed at a beautiful, historic hotel in downtown Los Angeles. I'm telling you, this hotel was a real treat. It had amazing architecture and an amazing bar where all the wrestlers hung out to unwind.


But it wasn't all fun and games and we had a goal. That goal was to speak to other wrestlers who could benefit from partnering with Wrestling Organization Online. We met with countless established and up-and-coming wrestlers and made some amazing contacts. We will speak more about our partnerships later in this post, but for now, let's stick with the events we attended in 2023!

WOO CEO @bookerman w/ ECW legends Bill Alfonso & Sabu!

Rare Evo Convention - Denver, CO

This was the first non-wrestling and strictly crypto event we attended, and boy was it memorable. Many different Hivians and Dapps were in attendance, and Hive had an amazing presence. Located right by the front door of the convention the Hive booth was a happening place over the course of a few days.

WOO CEO @bookerman and the one and only @crimsonclad

@bookerman arrived with @sonnyonoo and as they stood in line to get his VIP badge people kept looking at our CEO and the WCW legend. Come to find out Denver is full of wrestling fans as Sonny was the life of the party and everyone wanted to say hi and take a selfie with him including #splinterlands own @aggroed! It was a great time meeting other project leads including #cryptoshots among others!

@bookerman, @aggroed, and @sonnyonoo pose for a selfie

Not only was Aggy excited to take a selfie with Sonny, but so was crypto influencer LoudMouth. More on that coming later in this post, but let's just say Sonny knows how to get people into some amazing parties!

Sonny Onoo w/ LoudMouth

We would like to remind everyone that without the help of @crimsonclad, @guiltyparties, and the rest of @valueplan none of this would have been possible. Its amazing to see how all this amazing stuff can be brought together with just a community. No company or big wigs telling us what to do. No corporate structure. Just good old-fashioned hard work done by the amazing #hive community!


Breathe Web3 Convention - Las Vegas, NV

Leaving the mountains of Colorado and entering the deserts of Vegas, WOO traveled to the next convention. This convention was really special since both Sonny Onoo (@sonnyonoo) and Perry Saturn (@planetaryinc) were attending. That is special enough on its own, but when you add in that they haven't seen each other in nearly 10 years, then it becomes something truly special.

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Sonny Onoo and Perry Saturn embracing after nearly a decade

Not only did they reconnect with each other, but we also went and hung out with WCW wrestler Disco Inferno. Disco hasn't seen Perry or Sonny for nearly 20 years and you can tell by the smiles on their faces how excited everyone was to reconnect. This is something that makes us very proud. Even @bookerman said, "I've never seen Perry smile like that in all the years I've known him. He was so incredibly happy to be back around people he loves and people that love him."

This was such a touching moment for our CEO that he stated in a recent AMA that he was in the back seat of the Uber after the meal with tears in his eyes because his heart felt so full. We cannot wait to make opportunities like this happen more often.

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Sonny Onoo, Disco Inferno, and Perry Saturn

Now, enough with the sappy feel-good stuff, and onto the event and the party mentioned above.

Fine, we will move on to the juicy stuff, but before we get to the party let's talk about the amazing panel we had during the event. With Breathe being a convention about Web3 and wellness, they thought we were a perfect fit to speak on Stage 5! Our CEO joined Perry Saturn, Sonny Onoo, and @crimsonclad to discuss the issues wrestlers face and how WOO is helping bring positive change all by using Web3 technologies and #Hive in particular.

The panel lasted for about 30 minutes and had some great discussions about wrestlers and their independent contractor status, as well as some random stories of debauchery... What do you expect? It's wrestling folks.


Speaking of debauchery
Let's just say Sonny has a special talent for getting invited to EXCLUSIVE parties and he brought the WOO team with him. From the connections made in Denver, Sonny Onoo got us all invited to a Mansion Party with former Playboy Playmates. This party was actually held in the same place that Elvis used to stay when he performed in Vegas. This was a great time where great connections were made and fun times were had.

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@munchiesmcgee, @bookerman, @vaultec, @crimsonclad, and the Vegas photo bomber take a pic in Elvis' bed

Rumor has it that @bookerman may or may not have snuck numerous people into the private party, but you know what they say? What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


WOO Partnerships

Our partnerships are the cornerstone of our project and it's something that we pride ourselves on. It makes us unique and helps us stand out against the noise, and boy did we make a lot of partnerships this year!

Below is a list of wrestlers who have partnered with Wrestling Organization Online in 2023:

Terri Runnels

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Ernest "The Cat" Miller


Bill Alfonso




Justin Credible


That is a total of 5 New Wrestling Partners, nearly DOUBLE the amount of partners we brought on board in 2022. We now have 8 wrestling partners and year 3 looks like it can be our biggest year yet! This star power isn't just a benefit to WOO, but it's also a benefit to the entire #Hive ecosystem.

Onboarding Professional Wrestlers To Utilize Hive

One massive way we are looking to help out our wrestlers is by introducing them to the #Hive blockchain and showing them how they can earn with their microblogs and long-form content. You may have noticed that Sonny Onoo (@sonnyonoo), Perry Saturn (@planetaryinc), and Justin Credible (@pjpolaco) are all Hivians now and we are working with them to get more content on the blockchain for their fans to enjoy.

One vision we see with our partners on Hive is creating a community that all wrestling fans can enjoy and showing them there is a better place to talk about wrestling than X or r/squaredcircle. We are also looking to bring other wrestling journalists to the platform to really drive home how #hive can give them another avenue for potential revenue.

In the coming months, you will see that ALL of our wrestling partners will be on hive and they will all have their own landing pages with callbacks to hive and RSS feeds showing the material written on #hive about our partners! Just wait, 2024 is about to be amazing!

WOO Website Upgrades

Speaking of websites, our official website has seen a ton of improvements over the last 12 months. There are many posts in our blog showcasing some of the changes, but I'll go over some of the high spots here.

New NFT Marketplace
Ability to level NFTs
Ability to upgrade Land
Ability to upgrade Organizations
Ability to buy WOObucks with Fiat
Ability to buy Bookers License
Early Access gameplay for WOO Champions!

Speaking of early access gameplay, @sonnyonoo has an exciting announcement for everyone. Let's take a look!


WOO Shares a birthday with CEO Bookerman's dog Lady!

Last but not least we want to wish a very special doggy bday to @bookerman's puppy named Lady. She was born the same day that WOO was brought to the world, so let's wish WOO and Lady a very happy 2 year birthday!


How can you not say happy birthday to such a pretty little Lady dog?


Did you know we've recently launched our witness for @wrestorgonline, if you like what we're creating please consider supporting us by voting here.

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