30 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 6: Best advice ever received

I came across a couple of posts on Hive that had the tag #30daybloggingchallenge. I liked the idea, and so this is my challenge.

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I would have to say the best advice I've ever received is:

  Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Most people recognise this as the Golden Rule, but most people don't realise it's Jesus' words to the world. You can read this at Matthew 7:12.

But this advice is so powerful. Think about it. If every man, woman, and child obeyed this command, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today.

Do you go to war, commit crimes, rape people, beat people up? If you do, then you must be wanting people to do the same to you. It's that simple.

Putting other people first makes a difference more than you'll realise.

When I was a teenager, my mum and dad let a family friend live at our house. They stayed in the sleepout they had built for my sisters. This meant my sisters had to move into the house, so I had to share a room again. I hated the family friend for this. But my attitude was the same "Me first" attitude that is prevalent in the world today.

Today I look back at what my parents did and feel the utmost pride. What changed? My perspective. I started to realise that the same "Other people first" attitude of my parents had rubbed off on me. But it wasn't their attitude to begin with. As Jehovah's Witnesses, this is the attitude we adopt. We find these teachings in the Bible.

If the world stopped putting themselves first and started to put others first, people wouldn't be so horrible to others.

Nations would work together for the betterment of the world rather than war against each other. Racism would never exist, neither would sexism. People would see people as people not lesser than them.

If people put other people first, then the environment wouldn't be on the brink of ruin as it is today. Streets wouldn't be covered in cigarette butts from people who think their right to smoke overrides non-smoker's rights to not be poisoned.

Sure, there is a sacrifice or two to be made in this move. However, whatever we give up will be returned in some other way by someone else, and peace will fill this planet.

This world promotes self-serving interest over serving others. It's lead to the world being horrible and on the verge of collapse. If we all thought of how our actions would harm others, maybe we could turn this world around. However, I feel the only fix for the world is some higher power with a grander plan for humanity. Luckily that is in our future.

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