BATCoin Baby Returns - The Brave to Uphold/Gemini Disaster

So there I was running around in my BAT suite, and believe it or not, I ran into some serious poo. As always it´s probably me being late to the PartY. Still, I wanted to share this horrible news with you all. Because I am probably not the only kid living under a rock getting its BRAVE rewards every month.

Now my secret informant was this shady guy I met on the internet he´s called @Cryptozeug but I doubt if that is his real name. I thought he was living in a free country, or at least a country that pretended that its inhabitants are free. On the map, it´s next to the Netherlands and I guess most of you must have heard about it in some history classes as they tried to concur the world, twice!

Still, history should not reflect too much on current generations so let's leave it for what it is. Now according to my information, and yes I DYOR´ed it, this country does no longer support transfers of Brave reward earnings directly to Uphold or Gemini wallets.

That means that whatever you make from Brave Ads and the tricks I taught you in my previous post(s):
9 Tips to get more out of your Brave BAT Rewards will remain in your Browser.

And it seems like Germany is not the only country, there are only 19 countries left that allow transfers of Brave reward earnings directly to Uphold or Gemini wallets.

Now that I call disastrous.

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So for Europe, that means that big countries like France and Germany are excluded from this privilege. And well let´s not even talk about the global impact. If my intel is correct the only country that has this ability and is not on the list is Japan as they have their own wallet for these transfers.

But Donkey Dung this is not what I expected.
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I mean Brave has active ad campaigns in over 180 countries.


Which is more than I could fit in one screenshot.

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So we have approx. 170 countries where you can get Brave rewards but not pull them into a wallet directly? That really is a disaster in my baby book.

So what´s the use?

Well if you read my previous poo posts about Brave and BAT:
Withdrawal your BAT Rewards from Uphold without High Gas Fees

And if you were a donkey like me prior to that post, you should know by now that Brave rewards are meant to be used to tip content creators and not to hodl for your own use.


If you did not know that, let me tell you:

Brave rewards can be used to tip content.

If you never heard of that try it:
Use your brave Browser and go to:

Make sure you see the blue check mark on the Brave symbol left of the URL.


If blue then click it.


Then click send tip, and select the amount or a custom amount.


And send that Tip.

Great now you know how it works I hope you did not send me all your BAT because you thought it was the only thing you could do with it.

For those that do not live in the 19 privileged countries, this is a possible workaround to get your BAT.

Because you can send those BAT to yourself if you have one of the below:

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And if your country does allow you to have an Uphold or Gemini wallet. Because you can apply to become a verified Content Creator through this link and have the option to tip yourself your BAT rewards.

You just set up an account, add/verify your channels and there you go. Although you will pay 5% fees for tipping. So if you tip 1 BAT you get 0.95 and 0.05 BAT goes to Brave. Still, you get most BAT for your Buck.

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Once a month your BAT will be transferred to your UpholdGemini Wallet.

And if that ain´t working for you, let me offer you a great deal! Yes, the same deal I offered before and of which I thought it would never work:


Yes sir, I indeed happily take that BAT of your hands and pay you 66,6% of its value in BitcoinCash (BCH). For those who are afraid to get scammed by a baby. You can find some referrals in this article.

And here is another from just a week ago.


This little business is really taking off, I mean I ain't getting rich but I did not expect to get anything and by now I probably swapped about 100+ BAT, and every month I have people returning and new peeps joining. Guess it works out well for both parties.

So if you are interested to deal with the baby devil just drop me a comment, connect with me on NoiseCash or DM me on TORUM.

If you are not yet using Brave Browser then Don´t be a donkey, download Brave Browser and follow my tips to earn yourself some free crypto.

I hope you enjoyed this donkey of an article, if so hit that like button it´s absolutely free, and have a lovely rest of your day.

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