BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! - Briar Patch...


In my continued effort to bring you low quality, repetitive, cyclical, drivel on a weekly basis, in a change from the precious metals related rhetoric i usually bang on about, i now offer to you my loyal followers, a bang average #splinterlands blog.

Without much thought, or deep contemplation, ill be sharing with you few brave souls that have taken the time to read this post, my weekly BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!. The "share your battle" challange has ended, where the @splinterlands team asked you to share a battle with a specific monster, and now its more about a specific ruleset. This new weekly challenge definitely has its upside, as it allows a wider audience to take part, even when their battle decks are limited.


This week the team over at #splinterlands has asked us to share a battle with the ruleset "Briar patch". As the name suggests, all monsters taking part in the battle, regardless of attack ability, now have THORNS as an additional attribute.

This can be a very tricky ability to face and can leave the underprepared mage quickly without many monsters to call upon in the later rounds.

When hit with a Melee attack, any monster with this ability does damage back to the attacker. The more a monster is attacked, the more cumulative damage will be done to the attacker. In theory, a monster with **ZERO** attack strength could, if it were targeted enought, and had a lot of health, could single handedly win a melee battle.


When facing known combinations of mansters, or when this specific ruleset arises, I always try and use monsters who can attack my opponents monsters without incurring any damage..... This more often than not takes me down the magic route and my LVL 5 ALRIC STORMBRINGER


Whilst the rulesets were very random(I love how they are), I still thought id give my Water Splinter a chance to impress. There are a few extra rulesets in play, and these obviously had an impact on my team building. I had made my mind up that i was going to use magic as my main form of attack long before, so when my first briar patch ruleset appeared I just went at it.

As i said, the combination of rulesets had me scratching my head for a second, but once I startednto build my team, it kind of picked itself in the end.


Given the "odd number" ruleset, i knew i wanted my NERISSA and PIRATE CAPTAIN, so i added them first. I had a few more choices to make - do I go with Mischievous Mermaid, Mermaid Healer? Do i go for a ranged monster such as my Water Elemental? I decided to add an extra layer of defence agains ranged and/or Melee, id add my Vaneri Wavesmith. Leaving me with just 3 points to use now, i decided that in an attempt to use the ruleset ability "briar patch" and to cause as much return damage as possible, i would use 3 X 1 mana monstars as apposed to 1 X 3 mana monster with higher health. A very odd combo, yes!!! But did i work out for me in the end?

Watch this battle HERE

To be honest, at first, it looked like i was in for a good old fashioned ass-whoopin'! His monsters were slowly picking off mine.... I thought this was a L for sure. Turns out, it was "Briar patch/Thorns" that actually lead to my unexpected victory. His sneak attack monster were loosing health with every attack they did. While my monsters didnt loose a single health point due to their magic attacks.

Its nit thr best line-up ive ever created, heck, id probably change a few things up given a do-over, but it worked. Magic attack really does trump THORNS.

So whats your thoughts on this set up with this specific set of battle rules? Could I have picked a better team or even a better summoner?


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