Fortune Favors The Brave; Peace of Mind Favors The Consistent | Results of @risingstargame Giveaway

I started 2022 with a giveaway for all players interested in @risingstargame I got into playing the game after a giveaway from @battlegames Therefore I am very aware of the power of giveaways to onboard players. Somehow only 3 people (2 on HIVE and 1 on BLURT) participated and they have all received their 2022 STARBITS in their HIVE-Engine Wallets.

List of Winners

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Cryptosphere is Filled With Insane Returns

If you bravely venture into some high risk asset, there is some chance that it will end up being with impressive gains that is sufficient to make a billionaire out of an investment of several thousand dollars.

Someone Just Turned $8000 Worth of SHIB Into $5.7 Billion

If you have been looking into markets, you will come across things that are even crazier than this. One such example is an Token I came across today:

UniX Insanity.png

Look very careful at those percentage numbers. The devil is in the details.

I have missed countless chances like this. You could say that I have not been brace enough to speculate into these massive high risk - high reward plays. That is fine by me as I look for asymmetric risk as an investor. High risk with high reward is not too different from having low risk with low reward. It is the asymmetry that becomes important.

@risingstargame has been a medium risk investment. It is not a project that has been aggressively promoted. Yet there has been consistent growth and constant developments with new features. Earning rewards have been an easy task which I can even complete while traveling or being busy with various tasks IRL.

Anyone with Keychain extension can get started with the game right now.

NFT + Staking Income


How many of those million dollar NFTs have a real use case like game playuse case or ability to earn with it? How many of these NFT related platforms allow you to generate passive income? How much do you spend on GAS Fees and other forms of fees on these platforms?

You can give me many reasons why getting into @risingstargame is riskier than buying into some index fund. But you cannot give me a reason why the upside of @risingstargame is anywhere on par with the risk level I face with the investment.

Happy Investing!

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