Weekly growth report of my X account | March 9, 2024

Mohammad Alizade | Unsplash

This week has not gone as well as the previous one, although the progress is indeed gradual and that is something very important to take into account. The metrics for this week have been somewhat negative and perhaps this is due to the fact that the way of interacting did not match the way I usually make comments and create content.

I noticed that X's feed has been somewhat disrupted in recent days and the content that was in it was not appropriate or at least did not represent my interests. What I imagine could be happening is that when you enter a tweet, the algorithm interprets that what you are visiting interests you, when it may not be the case. So I should be more careful about that, or at least view those threads from another account where the impact on how the content is displayed is not important, and therefore does not affect the feed of my main account.

I am interacting a bit more in threads where I believe I can make a significant contribution, however, it is not working as well as I expected. For example, I have used the strategy of making interesting comments on tweets with over 1M impressions but have not achieved the same effect as the previous week. This may be related to the trend level concerning time. That is, a tweet being trending does not mean that the other comments within it tend to become popular as well.

Everything leads me to assume that it is not luck but entering the trend at the right time, at that precise moment when the highest levels of impressions are happening. Clearly, it is about going when the party has not ended yet, blowing out the candles and having a slice of the cake.

The impressions for this week are slightly higher than the previous one. I believe that now that I have more time, I will be able to focus on growing the statistics in a broader way. There are also many things that I do not agree with that happen to me every day, especially with cryptocurrencies, so that is probably very good material for my followers to enjoy.

Considering that I do not have as deep knowledge as those who dedicate 100% to this area, for now, I think it would be very helpful to mention or touch on the topic while rediscovering and increasing my knowledge. I have been navigating the waters of the blockchain (various protocols) and realizing that there is a lot to learn, but it all leads to one thing; which is super exciting.

In these 28 days, I have managed to exceed 250 thousand impressions, which is very good because little by little I am approaching one million (I have surpassed 1/4 of that goal) with an impression count per day of 9.7K. Obviously, this is not every day but it certainly indicates how much I can achieve if I work hard on it.

What strategy will I start using next week? I will possibly use one of the strategies that I noticed work very well, which is creating doubt to be answered.

When this becomes trending, it leads to responses from a large number of people trying to provide the best response, so it also contributes not only to impressions but also to the interaction ratio, which would increase the values.

Statistics serve to see how much you are evolving but also to see if what you are doing makes sense and reflects a positive increase in the metrics you are trying to scale. This way, we ensure which action works and which does not, but there will always be a large room for improvement regardless of the idea we have chosen, and many times it may be just a simple coincidence as to who goes viral.

If you wish you can see my previous growth report here 👈

  • I have used Canva to edit the main image.
  • Translated from Spanish with Hive Translator.
  • Screenshots taken from my Twitter X account.
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