Weekly growth report of my X account | April 13, 2024

Mohammad Alizade | Unsplash

Consistency is something difficult to maintain over time, as it requires commitment and energy. This week I have not had the same amount of impressions as the previous one because I have dedicated some of my time to other matters and neglected the purpose of increasing the levels of impressions on my X account.

However, I still have a good amount of impressions and it would only be necessary to prevent these values from decreasing even further. If I had to point out a mistake, I think it would be leaving aside the goal of growing exponentially, or at least not keeping it in mind.

Among other tasks that I had to do, the week seemed to pass quickly, which is something I would have to manage better, and I believe that anyone could think that good planning of things to do in the week and better organization would be a good idea to succeed in everything one sets out to do.

I have tried to interact with the most influential users in the Hispanic crypto world, however, I have not yet managed to stand out for their approval, although we have had a certain degree of sympathy. I believe the next step would be to gradually get to know the crypto field in a much broader way (types of blockchains, technologies, types of protocols, etc.) in order to be able to contribute with some information that is well received by my audience, and of course, by them as well. I consider this would be a good way to increase the exposure and visibility of my account as I would be somewhat more on par with those users who have a good reputation.

The more frequently I engage with high influence accounts, the greater the possibility that my own account will gain visits, initially out of curiosity, and subsequently out of personal decision.

A thought I have had to achieve greater interaction

I have been thinking a bit about how to achieve greater shared interaction. Undoubtedly, reposts mainly come from building good trust relationships. That is, if a user comments and maintains a frequent relationship with another, it is likely that the latter will decide to share your content. But this is much more likely to happen within a much smaller circle than the one we are currently planning to target.

I remember being on a now non-existent social network where I had a decent number of followers and almost anything I said became a trend. This could be obvious, as there were not millions of users but just a few thousand, making it relatively easier to grow there than on a huge global network.

Could it be a mistake to target a massive audience when the right time has not yet come?

I'm not saying it's a mistake because we can all have a strategy to achieve incredible levels in each of the metrics, however, there may be an obstacle for success to be achieved in a short period of time.

Like everything else, if you want to improve, it won't happen overnight, as it requires great effort to reap the rewards of that hard work. Based on this premise, it is understood that there is much to be done to finally gain the followers and impressions dreamed of, and that any increase in them signifies progress on our path to success.

I can state that I still do not feel that my account is ready to receive such a level of popularity, and I could even say that unconsciously, I try to keep the levels high but at the same time limited.

What do I need to finally make a decision? Perhaps it is about finding what motivates me to keep going and grow a little bit more. Maybe it is about having enough support to rely on because I cannot imagine what it would be like, for example, to have hundreds of followers waiting for your content and being unhappy if you don't share it. To a greater or lesser extent, we are all on this journey, so at some point, we should be prepared and able to handle the matter.

Maintaining the figures

Last week's impressions were significantly higher compared to the current ones. We see a decreasing graph that rebounded today, which means that if I can improve in the following days, I will probably return to having positive statistics.

However, the 28-day statistics are not too far off from what I had in the previous article I published, where impressions of 792.5K were observed compared to the current 710.6K. I'm not sure exactly how this works or why they would decrease, but the impressions per day are still quite high and that is what matters in order to maintain these rhythms.

As an idea, I think it would be best to segment the free time I have, for example, dedicating some to growing the account and some for interacting as a distraction (which also contributes to the metrics). If this works, I believe I could take the next step to levels never reached before, establishing a new growth baseline to build upon.

If you want to see my previous report click here👈

  • I have used Canva to edit the main image.
  • Translated from Spanish with Hive Translator.
  • Screenshots taken from my Twitter X account.
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