Gaining Knowledge: The Smartest Investment You'll Ever Make



Like the saying goes, knowledge is power and investing in knowledges goes a long way in wealth creation, based on what I have seen or heard so far, when it come to investing there are huge risk involved and most times, it is a 50/50 kind of stuff because why trying to gain some profit from your investments, you might even lose out or all of it but the only investment with no risk involve only comes when you are investing in acquiring knowledge and on a long run, it yields lot of incredible returns which includes respect, values and to top it all cash when put in actions. I remembered when I do listened to some finance talk show especially daba series and how the founder started, he do mention things of gaining more knowledge in what he is into, how he pay huge fees just to get more courses, attend webinar and all sort of things, and most wasn't because he didn't know those things but just to gain more knowledges from people that know this things better than him and today, those knowledge he gained are yielding more returns for him.

I get to understand that no matter the situation we are in, the knowledge we have can never be taken away, we just have to keep building on the one we have, learning is a continuous process and there are lot of personal benefit attached which one of them is Personal Growth. Acquiring knowledge isn't about the gain attached to it, it help you see things differently, widen your critical reasonings and how you see worlds, your confidence and decision making skills will be on another level. I remembered when I have no knowledge about the online worlds, all my mind keep thinking about is going to school, read my books and pass, then apply for work within my career path, I didn't know the world is way more than that, until I came onboard to the crypto space and I started hearing about dapps, tech guys, content creators and all, I was really curios to know most of this stuff and I had to start making research on what to do.

On a long run, I had to join different webinars and even brought some certain course and I can say it all pay out now. Investing in knowledge is not just a one time thing, it is something you have to keep doing at your own convenience time, it is a never ending journey because you have to learn, re-learn and advance in knowledge. Like someone use to tell me, Investing in knowledge is like investing for the future that pay in dividends surpass financial gains.

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