OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Edu

KEY FACT: OpenAI has launched an official ChatGPT support for universities known as "ChatGPT Edu", designed for schools that want to deploy AI more broadly and responsibly to students and their campus.

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OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Edu

Artificial Intelligence (AI) giant, OpanAI, has introduced ChatGPT Edu, as an affordable AI tool offering for universities. ChatGPT Edu is designed for schools that want to deploy AI more broadly and responsibly to students and their campuses. In a blog post announcing the new product, Open AI stated that ChatGPT Edu is made affordable for educational institutions.

We're announcing ChatGPT Edu, a version of ChatGPT built for universities to responsibly deploy AI to students, faculty, researchers, and campus operations. Powered by GPT-4o, ChatGPT Edu can reason across text and vision and use advanced tools such as data analysis. This new offering includes enterprise-level security and controls and is affordable for educational institutions.

The idea of ChatGPT Edu is inspired by the successful utilization of ChatGPT Enterprise by academic institutions like the University of Oxford, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas at Austin, Arizona State University, and Columbia University in the City of New York.

ChatGPT Edu is designed to help the academic community with campus-bound tasks such as personalized tutoring for students, reviewing resumes, assistance for researchers, grant applications, and assisting faculty with grading and feedback. OpenAI has partnered with a few universities to test the innovation while making AI accessible to students, faculty, researchers, and campus operations.

Some of the partners include (1) Professor Nabila El-Bassel at Columbia University, leading an initiative to integrate AI into community-based strategies to reduce overdose fatalities; (2) Christiane Reves, an assistant professor at Arizona State University, developing a custom Language Buddies GPT for students to engage in German conversations suited to their language level while receiving tailored feedback; and (3) Undergraduates and MBA students in Professor Ethan Mollick’s courses at Wharton using ChatGPT Edu to complete their final reflection assignments involving discussions with a GPT trained on course materials.

ChatGPT Edu Specifications

ChatGPT Edu is a unique build leveraging the latest GPT-4o infrastructure. The Seven (7) specifications of ChatGPT Edu according to OpenAI include:

  • Access to GPT-4o, our flagship model, excelling in text interpretation, coding, and mathematics;
  • Significantly higher message limits than the free version of ChatGPT;
  • Advanced capabilities such as data analytics, web browsing, and document summarization;
  • Improved language capabilities across quality and speed, with over 50 languages supported;
  • The ability to build GPTs, custom versions of ChatGPT, and share them within university workspaces;
  • Robust security, data privacy, and administrative controls such as group permissions, SSO, SCIM 1, and GPT management;
  • Conversations and data are not used to train OpenAI models.

Kyle Bowen, Deputy CIO at Arizona State University (ASU), in response to the innovation, says ChatGPT Edu will accelerate transformation at ASU.

“Integrating OpenAI's technology into our educational and operational frameworks accelerates transformation at ASU. We're collaborating across our community to harness these tools, extending our learnings as a scalable model for other institutions.”

This new product by OpenAI shows that the AI giant is pulling out all the stops to ensure that everyone is using its ChatGPT services.

With this development, students would have official access to AI for academic-related tasks. It is not yet communicated how long it will take to make this new AI product accessible to all instutions of learning around the world.


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