The LOKA token sale has just ended on Binance - trading will start in a few hours!

I am writing quite a lot about launchpad/spotlight projects here on HIVE. Why is that? Because I assume that the people on this platform is interested in money, in crypto, and in enjoying nice gains with what they already have. Any knowing that both Kucoin and Binance are frequently used by Hive-users, I believe these articles will be of interest to the readers. If you don't care about making money, then just skip it, but if you are interested and want to get some additional income, I believe this might be of interest to you.

Why is that? If you own some BNB (Binance Coin) and/or KCS (Kucoin Shares), then you have the chance to be a part of IEO offerings on those platforms (Initial Exchange Offerings). These are quite similar to the old ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), only that the products have been thoroughly tested and KYCd by the exchanges, thus giving a thicker layer of security to the investors.

I have been a part of lots of such projects and every single time, I have ended up enjoying nice profits, seeing the tokens sell at 2x-40x profit immediately at the time of exchange listing. So, why don't you want to check it out for yourself?

The LOKA token sale...

So, the LOKA (League of Kingdoms) token sale has just ended on Binance. Nearly 200,000 people entered the sale, and even though they only sold tokens for 8500 BNB in total, people committed nearly 10,000,000 BNB to the token sale. In other words, people were only allowed to enter the sale with a tiny, tiny percentage of the requested amount. The remaining BNB is then transferred back to the wallets of the investors, together with the number of LOKA tokens they were entitled to.

The price per token during the sale was $0.16, and now the question remains... what will be the trading price once the token sale starts on Binance in a few hours?

loka bnb.jpg

My personal guess is that the token will start trading at $2 and just stay around that level for a little while. At the same time, we will see a BNB price pump, as many people just sell their LOKA tokens in order to buy more BNB, in order to get a bigger piece of the cake in future token sale events on Binance.

These are just guesses, but I will return tomorrow with a new article and give you an update on the actual results during the LOKA token sale on Binance.

No matter what, such events are great opportunities for a quick profit. If you want to learn more about how you can be a part of future IEOs on the Kucoin exchange, take a look at this article.

Were you a part of the LOKA token sale on Binance? Will you sell your tokens at once, or will you stake them or hold on to them, hoping that it will be like Axie Infinity and just go crazy in value and soon trade at $50?

I would love to hear your thoughts!

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