Splinterlands and Rising Star account updates!

Last night I pulled most of my assets out of liquidity pools and picked up a few cards in splinterlands!
New Cards.png

After playing a few matches I ended up at 181 Rating and 80% Capture rate, and got both daily quests done.
418 Daily Quest.png
418 Daily Quest 2.png
Sadly that was the first card I have pulled from a daily or season chest in quite some time. Now I will try to work myself up in to Bronze 2 in hopes of getting some DEC from battles. So far it seems like the epics and legos are fairly easy win generators in bronze. If I am not sure if the end of season reward will be worth holding cards back from renting at the end of the season, but most likely I will continue to play the first few days of the season and then rent out cards for the last few days in hopes of getting more cards in the future.

I also hit my goal of 50 SPS staked, now for 100!
418 SPS Stake.png

If you want to Start your Collection in Splinterlands Click Here

Rising Star
Minted my first Energy Boost card and managed to pull a couple event cards!
Energy Boost.png
Event Cards.png

I am still trying to get my EGO back to 0 after buying packs last week while doing the Easter Mission as much as possible since it dose not give any ego.
418 EGO.png

Also I finished enough of the Radio Interview Missions to start on the Radio Studio Sessions, probably will start on those after the Easter Mission is over. The next buy will be a Pizza Box, and then maybe more of the Energy Boost cards.

If you want to start your career in Rising Star Click Here

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