How Much BAT do you earn from Brave Browser?

And what do you do with them?

In my last post about BAT I was not surprised to read that people from Nigeria earn jack shit for using the browser. After all, Nigeria is a developing country so it makes sense that advertisers don't want to spend any ad revenue there as their conversion would be super low. However, I was surprised to see that a user from the UK also earns 0 bat !

As for me, I earn on average about 2-3 BATs per month on my mobile device and about the same on my desktop. For example, on December I got 2 bat on my mobile phone:


Please note that I am from Greece which as is now, it's probably close to being a developing country too, so I won't complain. Furthermore, that's a totally passive earning from something I would anyways do, browsing the internet! Plus, I like Browser and the only place I don't use it is my daily cuck job because it's incompatible with Hootsuite. I would still use Brave, even if I got zero rewards! Especially on my android, where you need to root your device if you want to block ads on the browser!

As for the rewards, up to now I used to tip them here and there (e.g. leofinance) although lately I decided to hodl them and maybe cash them out for a gift card in the future or whatever!

So.. How Much BAT do you earn from using Brave Browser? And what do you do with the rewards?

Let me know in the comments and/or make a post and share your experience in more detail!

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