Holy Silver Part 5 - The Undefiled

After a month or so of abstinence I finally ordered a french bunch of silver for my collection! I think I'll have it by Tuesday on my mail box and I can't wait to get my hands on it!

In the meantime, enjoy another piece of Greek silver iconography from my family heirlooms!

Once again, it's a variant of theotokos:


A closer look on the details:





The craftsmanship is not as good as other pieces I have shared but still decent enough. I wish they had done a better job with the faces of the little angels though. They look like shit 😅🤣

The text in the last picture reads "Η Αμόλυντος", which is just one of the hundreds (if not thousands!) titles Greek Orthodox use to describe Mary 😅 In literal English, it translates to the Unpolluted. I guess Undefiled or just Pure is closer to the real meaning.

Anyways, moving on the back, the COA informs us that the icon is made of 950 silver:


Our workshop creates pictures based on Byzantine technique with 950 silver and paint. All subjects are museum copies from 14th century until today. The painting is handmade and every quarantee brings the artist's signature

As always, a comparison with a standard circulation coin to give you a visual idea of the size:


That 2 euro coin barely fits the head of poor ol Mary 😄

Ok, that's it for today! Below are some links with the other Greek icons made of silver I have shared so far:

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