10 Deutsche Mark (2001, Federal Constitutional Court)

What's up plebs?

I took a small break from hive to rest, as I got hit hard by lumbago for the first time in my life. I always madr fun of the condition, figured people were just pussies making a fuss out of nothing. Ok, I am taking back everything now lmao.
That shit is painful but thankfully it looks like I am recovering fast. I could hardly get up yesterday, but today I am much better and it feels like it's improving by the hour.

So that's a quick update on me.

Back now to our regular silver program 🤠

Let's see what today's menu has:



Yep, once again we have a commemorative silver coin from Germany! And on first sight it looks like it features lady justice or something? Well, that was my first guess.

Turns out I was correct, as this coin was issued for the 50th anniversary since the establishment of the Federal Constitutional Court, the highest court in Germany:

The Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof – BGH) is Germany’s highest court of civil and criminal jurisdiction, i.e. “ordinary jurisdiction”. The Federal Court of Justice was instituted on 1 October 1950 and has its seat in Karlsruhe.

The task of the Federal Court of Justice is primarily to ensure uniform application of law, clarify fundamental points of law and develop the law. In general, it reviews rulings of the lower courts only with regard to errors of law. source and further reading

This is a really beautiful coin with some really nice 3d touches on the obverse. Here are some more shots I took, but honestly they do it no justice despite all my efforts:




And here are some shots from the reverse. That's one sexy chicken if you ask me!




The edge comes engraved with the words



Which translates to


This motto makes sense as all the decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court are issued in the name of the people

When it comes to silver, this one is on the higher end. Most commemorative German marks have a purity of 0.625. However this one comes at 0.925, with a total weight of 15.5 g, which gives us 14.33 g of pure silver.

With today's spot price at 0.74$ per gthat's about 10.6$ worth of melting value. Good luck finding it at that price though, they go for over 20$ on eBay and such.

Ok plebs, this is it for today's coin. Tldr, it's beautiful. It's shiny. And it's high in silver! Definitely one of my favorite silver coins from Germany!

See you soon with more silver!

Re-blog Lottery
Here's a quick treat if you reached all the way down here. I will be giving 5 Hbi (total of 10) to two lucky winners, just re-blog the post for a chance to enter. No vote or comment required but I would be lieing if I say I don't like those too 🤗

The last time's winners are @dgi and @psyber-x. I will be getting their hbis soon after publishing this post 🥳🥳


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