NFT Panda World - Game on WAX, dipping my toes...

Hello LeoFinance I'm back with a new NFT post

this time about a game that I found the other day

NFT Panda: World of Fantasy

The game is on the WAX blockchain and it's called NFT Panda World, here's the website

And in case you are thinking to join you can use my referral link, idk what we'll get out of it but it's here lol


To start playing you need a character, I bought one on Atomic Hub for around 11 dollars, have a look:


He looks a bit like Gandalf so that's why I got him!

Once you get the Character you'll have to stake it in the Panda World game and you'll be able to send it for adventures every 2 hours to earn some BAM tokens.


You can see my character here staked ready to be sent to an adventure!

BAM tokens are used to buy in game items (not many for the moment but one being sold for example is Food to recharge the energy of your NFT):




You can see my NFT having only 50% energy and resting the 2 hours after the adventure, I guess the food will recharge the energy in case you are not patient and want to keep playing :) And I think the energy recharges on its own with some time, not really easy to find info about this game. (They have a discord but I didn't look into it yet!)

Also you can see SLOT 2 empty, basically there are 20 HERO slots, by default only one is open and usable, the other 19 have to be bought, 30 BAM will unlock the 2nd slot, I don't know if 30 will be the price for all the slots of if they go up exponentially, we play and learn I guess! LOL

BAM can also be exchanged for WAX on Alchor Exchange and bare in mind that the game is still being developed and many areas still say Coming Soon like the RENT option for example:


Seeing how early the game is and how low is the entry price atm (11 dollars) I jumped into it without thinking twice!

I have been playing for less than 2 days and as you can see I only earned 0.87 BAM, it's more the times I forget about it than the times I actually play lol but yeah I will try to play more often and it should be quite quick and easy to get back the 17 WAX invested, and if they go to 0 I am a monkey ready to lose what I invested so no problem there :)

$ and tokens info

But I am confident, and the NFT I bought looks like it's hovering at the floor price of this recent pump (IMO):


Looking at a more extended time-frame we can actually see the recent pump LOL:


And here's the price of the BAM token on Alchor Exchange:


Classic pump of a new game being dropped and people FOMOing into, what will the future bring to this game and this token? It may still be early to get in and find out :) I will be playing it and I'm curious to see how I can grow in the game starting with just one common hero! (and hopefully a pack in few days)

Upcoming Pack sale!

Worth noting also that the 9th of December they will drop some packs:


Here are the packs on Atomic Hub (link):


To participate in the drop you need to be whitelisted but seems quite easy to get whitelisted filling this form! (I hope LOL)
I did fill in the form earlier and it asks just for email, your WAX address, get into their Discord, follow Twitter and retweet, the usual stuff that every whitelist asks for really :)

Adventures! (pt 2)

As I was writing this post my hero finished resting and I can show you quickly how it does work when you send him to an adventure, you can see here that the button Send to Adventure appeared where previously there was a countdown:


If we click there it will prompt us with the usual WAX cloud wallet transaction:


And then we'll get the popup of the successful adventure showing us how much BAM we earned, in this case it wasn't the best adventure ever and I earned only 0.1515 BAM


And that's pretty much it, I'm sure there are some bits that I skipped but I'm still learning about the game. I will keep playing and wish me luck for the drop on the 9th of December!

I hope to be able to get in the Whitelist as I'd like to try to get the Light Pack for 63 WAX and see where this game goes, too many times I have seen games looking like shit to go up in value like crazy with their NFTs getting even over 1000$ value!

I am not saying that this one will too but in case it does better to be in it! LOL
And if it goes to 0, again I don't care and it'll just add as a memory to my crypto-nft-blockchain experience bag!

What do you think?

You jumping on the NFT Panda World with @trippymane ?

I'm sure my degen friend @l337m45732 will love to jump in here LOL

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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