My Fear Of Quantum Computing!

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I have been thinking really hard recently about how AI might be a big problem for us in the near future and all we thought was 99.9% safe might fall short of that word. One of the topics discussed on the Cryptoholics podcast on December 1st on the X space was AI, Chat GPT and quantum computing. This is all part of the same section. There were many topics discussed but my mind resonated with them when they were talking about Quantum Computing because I myself have been thinking about it lately. Even though they changed the topic without dwelling much on it which I would have loved if they did. I decided to pick that topic and give my honest thoughts on it.

Ok, so before I give my honest thoughts about this topic, I would give a little explanation about what Quantum Computing is, since I am well aware that some of us might not know what it's all about!
Quantum Computing is more like an advanced AI that has the ability to crack the hardest of codes in a split second.

Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than on classical computers. The field of quantum computing includes hardware research and application development. Source

I brought out this definition of Quantum Computing from the web to better understand what it's all about and what it is meant and used for. I should presume we have a little Idea about what it means now, Ok so let's dive straight into My fear and thoughts on quantum computing and why I think it is dangerous for us as blockchain users or more specifically humans!

Quantum Computing as I said earlier is more like an advanced technology of AI, on a more higher level. Quantum computing as explained will have abilities to crack codes and give answers to complex combinations in a matter of seconds and I believe it is dangerous and scary because at the point when this is available to a particular organization or person, in the worst case scenario, it falls into the wrong hands. Then we know every account on blockchains or wallets are in trouble, where all our reality of the safest blockchain and wallet, being impossible to hack goes down the drain in a split second, even when we did not share or misplace our keys and phrase words.

Although Quantum computing is overly expensive, I presume when it comes into light, it would triple the amount it was created within a very short time. I've always dwelled on the saying that the technological advancement of AI will become dangerous in the near future and that's a given. I'm not against AI or here preaching about only its bad sides. Of course, AI is good in a lot of ways and can be used for a lot of good reasons but we really need to check thoroughly and be careful of the level at which we are advancing the AI tech. If AI advances to the level of Quantum computing then we can only pray it doesn't fall into the wrong hands because if it does then we're fucked up real good.

I heard about a man(mentioned on the X space) who was working on quantum computing but quit because it was getting scary, I mean, of course it is, the damage it will cause will be groundbreaking and believe me when I say it would most definitely cause the downfall of blockchain, crypto and the likes. Although there are some upsides to it, being able to solve complex problems for us in little time and all but the effect of its bad side will be more groundbreaking than its good side.

All the topics discussed were so damn intriguing, that's where I also got the Idea of this topic from. You can check out the space on here. Pretty interesting topics and takes from all the speakers. Would be nice if you checked it out too. Some real stuff was said on there.

Cheers 🥂 and catch y'all later on my next post.

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