Understanding Long Suffering as a Virtue

Hello Lovers of God's word on Hive, Today I share with you a teaching from my church's Sunday-School service, The teaching got to me and I thought sharing it here with you all would be wonderful.


One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit frequently referenced across the Bible is “long suffering” or patience in affliction. It arises repeatedly both as a godly characteristic and through the trials faced by pivotal figures. But defining long suffering precisely and recognizing it proves challenging. What signifies someone bears this virtue? What principles and mindsets underscore a long suffering mentality demonstrated by devout Biblical icons?

At its core, long suffering refers to persevering through difficulties, setbacks, pain or inconvenience from a lens of empathetic grace rather than anger. It does not imply contently tolerating harm, but rather enduring inevitable hardships and wrongs with dignified forgiveness. Scripture emphasizes responding to even unjust persecution not with fury or vitriol but compassion ever-aspiring to peace.

As (Romans 12:12) explains “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” This includes exhibiting restraint from lashing out against oppressors verbally or physically. Instead the long suffering aim not to multiply harm responding to harm, but allow room for redemption through nonviolent example. It is a decidedly active bodily demonstration of the Biblical encouragement to “turn the other cheek” when faced with affronts.

Characteristics and Signals of Long Suffering Mentality

While simple in theory, responding to threats with unruffled poise proves extraordinarily challenging in practice of course! But scripture offers tangible characteristics signaling someone long suffering rather than inwardly brewing. Expressions of grace emerge through both words and actions.

(Philippians 4:5 )states “Let your gentleness be evident to all”. Someone long suffering in the biblical sense handles dispute with rational calmness, seeking to listen before reacting in humility. This allows for organically dissolving rather than escalating conflict. They also choose reflecting carefully over replying instantly when confronted by those wishing them ill, following Christ’s sober example facing scorn.

Additional cues suggest one has embraced long suffering as virtue include relying prayer and meditation to maintain composure and perspective, particularly during adversity. The long suffering emanate palpable senses of inner stillness or groundedness amidst external chaos waiting to infect their peace. As (Colossians 3:12) urges, they “clothe themselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience”.

Biblical Examples of Long Suffering

Some of the Bible’s most central figures exhibited long suffering facing unjust hardship meant to break them. Through years of wilderness wandering, Job refusing to forsake his faith under relentless horrible plagues represented radical longanimity. Despite prisons and beatings by authorities for preaching the gospel, Paul and Jesus himself demonstrated patience communicating concern for persecutors’ souls alongside fellow believers.


(1 Peter 2:19-21) uplifts their grace as models, saying “For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God...To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps”. Each day, common people tap into holy power to endure their own agonies great and small through the sacred inheritance of long suffering.

Ultimately the virtue of long suffering gifts those who embrace it with renewed perspective. Hardships need not break one when spiritual freedom exists beyond circumstance. As (2 Corinthians 4:8) reminds believers “we are hard pressed...but not crushed”. Whatever burdens we carry, hope persists by enduring the darkest nights aligned with God’s grace. Dawn inevitably emerges to bathe both the just and unjust. The long suffering merely keep walking until the light returns through the long night.

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