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Bitcoin not going up, many altcoin investors are begging bitcoin to stand still. The stabilization of the crypto markets has seen decentralized finance, oracles,

 You are not utilizing the optimum strategies now of course you don't like being aggressive to make money and you're risk-adverse then it might be best for you not to attack the market but i'm feeling free i've been absolutely crushing it for weeks now tweaking my strategy and i have it just right here's my three-pronged investment strategy

I'm using right now number one removing huddle from my vocabulary number two taking profits early and often number three keeping my finger on the uni-swap trigger let's break down how i'm using this plan of attack first huddle is dead no doubt about it the term hodl first entered the crypto ethos in december of 2013 as a typo of the word hold a guy basically said he was a bad trader on the bitcoin talk forum and that he was better off just holding his crypto and he accidentally said huddle and this became the rallying cry of crypto enthusiasts 

Everywhere never sell your bitcoin that's what they said but all those people who huddled from 20k down to 3k in 2018 certainly wouldn't feel that way they're kicking themselves hard they got kick me tattooed on their backs to save post-it notes thereby saving the trees dang hippies now for years people have discussed the merits of huddling and whether it's an effective strategy

 I'm here to set the record straight on that huddling is not a good strategy in fact it's downright terrible what person would volunteer to take a 80 to 90 loss after they made a bunch of money only hodlers that's who the next bull run as you can see right now by taking the temperature of the markets is going to be wild and what's about to come is going to get even crazier now what drives that craze speculation we've discussed before the tension between working products and the promise of working products in crypto 

 Now working product does not mean your project will pump but a speculative product and use case that isn't yet completed may actually be better off in this market climate i've said this for years you can't disappoint people with a product if you just put off making it kind of like the appeal of some things being better left to the imagination if you will imagination 

If you don't take advantage though of the speculation that's going to occur over this next 12 months then you are not going to see your portfolio reach its maximum potential when you huddle you're riding coins up and down like a camel walking over sand dunes with a limp all you got to do to take it to the next level is to take advantage of my second plan of attack 

Which is to take profits early and often listen 10x gains are great but they just don't happen in short periods of time that often unless you go to bed and wake up to a 10x gain you really should never see one why because if you're actively watching projects in your portfolio you should take profits way before anything 10x's

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