Don’t Waste Your Time: 3 Reasons Why No One Reads Your Blog

While I am doing my daily curation and lurking in cyberspace over a cup of cold coffee that was originally hot when I started my shift. One question comes into my mind, why no one isn’t interested in reading some blogs?


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When I started my blogging journey, I would recall not having any interaction in my post. I felt it was a cemetery and somehow discouragement starts to creep into my inner being.

It is a new playing field for me back then and this is also why I would like to share with you some of the stuff that I have learned along the way so that you will have potential readers in the future.

If you are new to blogging and plan to give up since your voice isn’t heard yet. I would like to encourage you to stop for a while, read and try to apply what I am going to share.

You are targeting everyone and since you target everyone you reach no one.

Being a generalist is amazing! You can share your thoughts on any topic that comes up in your mind because you have general interest and everyone. When you try to resonate with your readers it is somehow hard to connect with them because in one post both of you are connected but on the second post, you made going forward connection is lost.

In one of the blogs that I have read, I learned how to create a target audience persona wherein I will be focusing my blog post.

The reason why you need to create an audience persona is that you can attack the content and topic on a personal manner. Imagine talking to a friend or your beshy in your blogs for sure you will not have a hard time elaborating everything to them. Chariz lang mahihirap din kausap ang mga beshywaps ko.

You never used Social Media in promoting your content.

Gone are the days wherein when you post, people will notice your content right away. You need to MARKET yourself. Sell them like hotcakes, my friend. I know it is hard to share your content on your own social media account. Been in that situation and I ALWAYS CRINGE! Each time that I share my own works.
No one knows that I am writing back then but since I am always sharing my content they got used to seeing my content on my accounts.

I write in Hive but that doesn’t end there I created Twitter, Facebook Page, Youtube, and any other platforms that you can think of! The more the merrier, I mean what’s the catch if they saw your content? Are they going to bash you with your incorrect grammar? If they do that then they should have created their own post. Use the power button, UNFRIEND, and BLOCK so that they will not see your post.
It is time to remove those shyness bruh! You want to improve right? And more importantly you want money diba? Wala na hiya-hiya pag malaki ang pangangailangan laban na yan beshywap!

You Never Engage With Other People.

#EngagementIsTheKey most of the time. Unless you are a bigshot prior to starting your blogging journey or even on the general content creation side you need to engage with other people. I mean why should I visit your page if you do not visit mine? Do you know the law of “Equivalent Exchange?” Huh, you don’t know that? What era are you bruh?


Now when we say engage, it doesn’t end with following people, you will need to respond to their comments too or maybe visit their content first and show a genuine connection with them. So how do we do that?

In my social media accounts, though it is hard! I try my very best to react and comment on the post of my friends if they interest me. Sometimes even if it isn’t interesting I just give a like / react to support them. Appreciating the work of someone is free hence why not give it to them? It wouldn’t drain some energies that much. I find this technique working on my side as I am able to get some engagements from other people.

The same thing with Hive, I go to other people's content and read their blogs and if there’s something that fascinates me then I comment and give some engagement tokens like LUV and PIZZA afterward.


Getting readers in your blogs when you are starting is hard, you will experience heartbreaks and disappointments but if you follow these 3 simple tips that I have shared for sure you will have at least 1 or 2 constant readers in your content.

Currently, I am starting to build my Tiktok and Facebook Page account for more reach and I am also working on my podcast so you can listen to my ramblings so that you and I can cringe at my speaking voice.

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