Ask Leo - What tools can you use to know your audience on Hive?



Data-driven approach on Hive growth

Earlier this year I set the goal of growing my Hive, and more specifically, my Leo stake so I've been looking into the things I need to take into consideration to devise a proper strategy to achieve that goal.

Of course, by now, we should all know that consistency and engagement are key factors for growing one's stake and influence on the community but I also want to take a more "scientific" approach to it, which means using data to track my progress and perform course correction whenever it's needed.

One of the things I'm most interested in is getting to know my audience. It's not exactly huge right now but that's another reason why I want to know more about who's been upvoting my content so I can have a better understanding of the different groups that my articles reach (or do not reach, for that matter).

I'm not a marketing expert or anything like that but I have some basic business and product management knowledge and I understand that it's very valuable to know your audience so you can provide more value to your "end-users".

I know it can be hard to draw insight from this data because sometimes you could get hit by a curation trail meaning that many upvotes would be from people who are following that trail rather than actually engaging with your content. I'm aware of that and I have a plan to try and mitigate that issue but before I can get to any kind of analysis I need to build a solid database and that's precisely what I need help with at the moment.

I know I can get some valuable data on HiveStats and I've been using it almost daily for other purposes, but what I'd really like at this point is a list of people who upvote and comment on my articles. I know how to do that manually, of course, but it would be nice if there's an easy way to do that automatically.

I don't know if there is a dapp that does that already but if there is one, I couldn't figure out what it is or how to do it. I've tried HiveStats, as mentioned above and also Engage and while they are both excellent tools, I couldn't get the data I wanted from them.

And that's why I'm reaching out to the Leo community (and a few other tribes on Hive) to see if maybe anyone out there could help me out or, if not, maybe someone with a similar need that could join me on this quest to find this resource!

It would be easier if there's a Hive dapp that does that, of course, but if not, I have some basic programming knowledge that I could try to put to work but I'd definitely need some pointers because right now I wouldn't even know where to start!

If anyone has any input on this, it's much appreciated!

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