Let's GO !!! Golem Overlord is hottest new game on HIVE, Currently earning $300+ day in PARTs

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What's up guys. You've probably heard of this game by now unless you've been living under a rock. The PART token is the highest volume traded token on ALL of HIVE. That's right, the trading volume is higher than SPS or DEC.

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The part token has gone from .5 hive to over $1 USD in HIVE and has held pretty steady. Check out the influx of users.

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The active and new players were reset at 0:00 UTC. It's only 15:00 UTC at time of writing. We're close to 10,000 Golemancers now!

Here's a look at part of my dashboard:

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As you can see I'm currently creating 10.81 parts/hour or 259.4 parts/day. This doesn't take into account a 10%+ claim bonus I'm currently getting. I'm basically pulling in 300 Parts/day!

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The updated whitepaper can be found here to talk about all the stats and how they are used. But essentially your Algorithm and Golem Charging Station increase your production of PART.


You can attack other players and steal PART and also can be attacked. This social interaction is one reason why it's so much fun! There's a cool ranking system and you and search to find users that you want to attack or maybe pay back that person that attacked you!

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If you haven't joined here's my referral code. I'll send everyone that uses my link a small bonus. What are you waiting for? Let's GO!!!!


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