NFT by @djynn as New Profile Pic & SpookyPops

Blue circles - papercut style

Guys, I had to get this one! A really cute blue colored NFT which is done in a papercut style by @djynn, showing blue circles. Love it. Blue is my favorite color. And it cost only 1 SWAP.HIVE. There’s 20 editions on display.

NFT as official Hive Profile Pic

And guess what, after researching a bit I found the way to put an NFT officially up as your profile pic. It then is linked directly to NFT showroom and has a little green „NFT“ hexagon next to it in PeakD. You can do that with any NFT you own and want to use as your profile pic/avatar on Hive.

If you don’t know how, here’s the step-by-step manual.


Check out the artwork of japanese @djynn guys, there is some great stuff in it, especially the SpookyPops Collection, which has quite some meme potential since it is funny but simple and iconic design with lots of variety and you can win HSBI with owning one. I probably will get one of these too for my collection.

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