Merry Christmas!

Christmas wish 2023 (1).gif

Christmas wish 2023

Tonight is Christmas eve, so it's time to share this year's Christmas wish with everyone. I decided to make a card for everyone reading this, as I wish everyone on the Hive blockchain a wonderful Christmas and hope it will be filled with joy and spend with your loved ones.


In our home it's tradition to pull out the table grill set, something we both learned from our childhood in Holland where we call it "gourmetten". I think in many families this is something they save for the holidays only. I personally love having all sorts of food like a little buffet which you can pick and eat as you go.

No tree?

As we recently moved, we decided not to put up the tree this year, even though we first thought it would be great having it up in one specific spot. I'm a bit sad as it feels a bit empty without one, and not Christmassy at all looking out of the window having ocean view and clear skies. But we were afraid the cats would manage to ruin it before Christmas arrived. I may opt for the possibility to put it up secretly tonight just to be able to put the gifts under the tree and while we're all at home make sure that the cats will not climb in the tree, lol.

But we'll see tonight. The little one thinks there will be no tree, so if we manage to pull that off tonight, the bigger the surprise tomorrow morning when she wakes up.

Christmas movies

I don't know about your family but we love watching (corny) Christmas movies together. I collected quite a few over the past month and we didn't watch more than a few. I reckon tomorrow after the unwrapping of the gifts, we will hop on the couch (with a blanket), close the blinds (otherwise we won't see anything with the sun over here lo) and put on a Christmas movie marathon until we're bored of it. We will most likely switch this off with some board games because we normally rarely play it and this is a perfect time to do so.

What are you plans? I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas <3

Christmas card created with Canva Pro

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