AskLeo - How was your beginning on crypto?

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

2021 has been until now... Interesting!

I have been always hearing about Bitcoin and the blockchain since more or less two years ago, occasionally watching on the internet these nerds talking about "digital coins and stuff" and how this topic was being developed over time. Then when the pandemic started I got a lot of free time, some of that time was completely lost in boredom, but I used it to learn a bit about stocks as well!

This year I finally decided to start a serious investment, not only buying some cryptos but also learning what they are and how the blockchain works. And after this short period of time I only have one question in my mind: Why didn't I entered this incredible crypto-world years before?

In my mind the whole topic of cryptocurrencies was like a game, a game that I didn't understand and was simply ignored by my brain. Finally, ending 2020 something changed when Bitcoin did that massive rally that couldn't be ignored, together with the overwhelming news about financial institutions and big fishes betting for Bitcoin was the trigger that made me wake up from the "stable financial dream" to something one hundred times more valuable, the truly financial freedom.

Which was the trigger that made you think: "This is something big! and it's worth it to learn about" ?

Thanks for reading.

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