Saturday Savers and a Silver Half Dollar

I recently began to participate in the #saturdaysavers group mainly to keep an eye on my personal goals this year on Hive. To be honest I really hadn't made very many of them, but I'm finding some items I might like to add in as goals as the year progresses. First off I'll start with Hive Power.

Hive Power

Last week I was sitting at 2,820 personal HP that I have been growing organically. I haven't put much money in from outside sources because I wanted to see what I could achieve. My yearly goal is to make it to 5K HP. Right now I have 2881 HP, so not a fantastic improvement, but 61 is better than none and puts me 61 closer to the end goal. I'm going to have to pick up my rate if I want to reach the goal of 5K HP!

But at least the stats from HiveStats shows an upward slope!



This year I have a goal to reach 50K of PIMP staked in my wallet. This week I haven't made any purchases so my rate slowed down a bit. I started with 20,167 PIMP and today I have 20,455. So I've only picked up 288 this week. I'm going to have to increase my investments every week to even have a prayer of reaching that elusive 50K. I figure if I purchase 5K a month I should make it easily.

PIMP as I have mentioned previously is one of my favorite projects. It's the only token that is backed by physical silver in the PIMP vault, so worst case scenario it will always have some value. I love projects that have something of physical value backing them!


HSBI is another project I really like. I really don't have a goal for this year set in stone, but I think I would like to at least hit 2K. I currently have 1,666 units at the moment. I sponsor close to thirty a week so I should easily surpass that 2K level. I found out this morning that I am officially a whale in the HSBI project, so that was fun news! If you are unfamiliar with the project here is a post about it I created awhile back.


I do run a weekly giveaway of HSBI, if you are interested you can enter it on my post right here:


I spin the wheel of names tomorrow to pick the winners!


As a member of #silvergoldstackers I like to share some of the silver I have invested in. I picked up a few Ben Franklin half dollars recently and they were all in really nice shape.

About the coin:


This beauty was minted in 1956 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US. The total mintage of this variety was 4,032,000, so not uncommon but it is 90 percent silver! At 12.5 grams of 90% purity it comes out to $9.82 melt value. Then on top of that is the collector's premium which pegs this coin to at least $23 US if not much higher because of condition. I only paid spot for it so I think I did pretty well!

Silver has been performing nicely over the last few weeks and is sitting at $27.17. I think over the next few weeks and months there will be an increased demand in silver and prices will resume pushing northward on the charts. We may even challenge the all time high of $48 per Troy ounce. We just need to see a push past the $30 resistance level and then who knows? Of course us silver stackers are hoping for the moon!

Other Projects

I am still trying to pick up EDSMM (miners) when the price is right and want to increase my EDS holdings, but I have no set goal on it. Right now I have just over 100. Additionally I continue to pick up small pieces of DBOND and DAB to slowly increase by holdings there, but I don't have any fixed goals.

DRIP continues to pay out daily dividends although I only bought twelve. I'm going to pick up a few more this week and continue to do so going forward. I also delegated some HP to empo.voter to receive PWR tokens. I have 0.71 PWR piled up and need to accumulate as much as I can because in five months they will start to pay out HIVE dividends to PWR holders. I don't want to miss the boat so I may increase my delegation to reap the maximum benefits.

That will just about finish up my weekly Saturday Savers post edition. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for all of your support, without it I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am now here in the Hive ecosystem. Have a great weekend!

And my disclaimer:

I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't financial advice, please always do your own research before spending your hard earned money.

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

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If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

This is a newer project trying to help new Hive members grow and stay with us here on our platform, feel free to ask if you are interested

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