My InLeo Premium Update and a Silver Surprise!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great week so far. Here we are at Hump Day once again, the good news is Saturday is very nearly here. This is going to be round two on writing up this post, I had it all just about done and InLeo system logged me out suddenly and when I went back in all the autosaved material had vanished into the ether...

Today I will continue on with my InLeo Premium service series as I have been doing for the last couple of months. For those unfamiliar with the service it is a paid program that costs either 10 HBD a month or 100 HBD a year. I've been sticking with the monthly plan personally. It give you certain perks and features that the free version doesn't. One of the most convenient is the longer threads it provides you and the ability to edit threads which has come in handy more than once. You can see the list of features in the screenshot I took just recently of my premium member page.

One feature that they don't mention is that premium members do get priority on curations over the members using the free version. That only makes since because it's a paid service. It in no way guarantees a vote but if you produce quality material the odds are much higher. So let's jump into the numbers from this membership so far!

It has been twenty-six days as of today since my least renewal. In that time period I have posted twenty-two posts and received curation form @leo.voter on six of them which sum up to $37.45. Then removing the 55% that goes back to InLeo that leaves me with $16.85. Subtracting that sum from my initial investment of 10 HBD I am $6.85 in the black. With five days left on the service hopefully I will pick up a couple more votes and end up with even a better return on my investment!

Now let's move onto the beautiful shiny silver...

I have been a collector of silver and gold since I was child, it rubbed off on me from my father. One silver item I started to collect many long years ago were commemorative Silver Striker tokens. These silver tokens could be won by playing the Silver Striker slot machines in casinos around the world. Every now and again you would be paid out a silver token. I haven't seen these machines in years and they might not even exist anymore.

For the most part I like to collect to tokens that have come from defunct casinos making them pieces of history. Many years back I did start to pick up another type of theses which were unbranded and from Colorado. They featured old western lawmen, gunfighters, explorers, and Native Americans. I picked up several of them over the years but haven't now in some time. They are becoming more and more expensive which is probably part of it. Here it the token of the day:

About the token:


This beauty is an odd variant of the original in that it had frosty surfaces. It makes the token really pretty but also made it a nightmare to photograph. These contain just about 0.65 Troy ounces of solid silver surrounded by a brass ring. Sadly, this token I traded to a friend who really wanted it. It was a fair trade but now I kind of miss it but buying a replacement runs $50 or more these days. But I did find the old photos on the old laptop.

Kit Carson

Kit Carson was born in Kentucky in 1809 and was an adventurous soul. At sixteen years of age he left home and headed west on the Santa Fe trail looking for work. He eventually settled in Taos, New Mexico. At nineteen years old he decided to become a mountain man and fur trapper which was somewhat dangerous but could also be very profitable. He lived with the Native Americans and married one as well. She however died after giving childbirth.

He didn't remain a mountain man for too long as he became a wilderness guide leading people along the Oregon trail and even into northern California. This job made him a very famous individual across the country and had dime novels written about his adventures, bravery, and exploits. Many of these were greatly exaggerated.

Carson was also and Army officer during the American Civil War and Mexican-American War. He aided in the conquest of California. In one battle near present day San Diego the Mexican army had the American soldiers surrounded with no escape routes anywhere. So in the middle of the night Carson and a companion snuck through the Mexican army to get reinforcements. Not only had he saved to soldiers lives but allowed them to win the battle. He was serious bad ass.

He married three times, the first two were Native American women of which the first passed away and the second quickly divorced him. No explanation why anywhere on that one, she just left all of his items outside the teepee and that was it. His third wife was Mexican by the name Josefa, they had eight children together. I couldn't even imagine that, I would have gone insane with that many children around!

I left a link to his Wikipedia page, he was an interesting guy.

DUO token

Over three months ago now I started a new token with @bulliontools and @bitcoinman with the goal of helping onboard and retain new members, and DUO was born. While we are still in the early phases it has grown quickly and currently has over 18,700 Hive Power in the curation account. For those who purchase and stake at least 200 tokens they are rewarded with a daily curation on their quality posts and daily Hive dividends. For those staking over 500 you have the ability to use the tipping bot and give out a DUO tip daily, and in return you also receive the same amount of DUO in your account as well. It pays to tip with DUO! Plus not many people out there have enough to tip yet, so it's pretty cool to give out DUO tips.

Right now tokens are one Hive a piece until the current tranche runs out, then it jumps to 1.5 Hive each. So get in early while it's still inexpensive! You can find DUO for sale here:

That is just about all for today. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post, I appreciate all of your support. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below. Thanks again everyone!


I am not a financial planner and this isn't financial advice. Please always do your own research before investing your money. You worked hard enough to earn it!

Pictures are mine unless otherwise indicated.

I am part of the management team for the DUO token


If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

The HOC is all about onboarding and supporting new Hive members

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