Study Types

first of all there's no definitive or if you will final classification it all depends perhaps it would be wise to start by asking if the study wants to describe what's happening or quantify a relationship with us identifying two very broad categories one descriptive studies which try to paint the picture of what's happening in a population for example a case reports where doctors simply describe what happened to individual patients B case series which track for example patients who have received a similar treatment C surveys and so on two analytic studies which try to identify and quantify a relationship between factors like a certain intervention or exposure on an outcome when it comes to analytic studies we have to ask ourselves if the researcher was passively or actively involved and identify two main sub categories a experimental studies also called randomized control trials where participants are put in at least two groups by actively involved researchers and exposed to different things for example one group receiving the actual treatment and one group receiving quote-unquote fake receivables the observational analytic studies where the researcher just observes outcomes after let's say exposure to risk factors for example B one cohort studies where a group that has already had exposure to whatever you want to measure is compared to one that hasn't b2 cross-sectional studies where you analyze data at a specific point in time B three case control studies where groups that have a certain characteristic are compared to groups that don't each type will be analyzed in detail through future videos for now just know there are a lot of them

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