NFT Art Project Update- 5Hive

I’ve done it! I completed one description for an NFT artist-- as part of the new #5Hive project-- and I think it went pretty well! I can't disclose anything specific though... just that it is a talented artist and the digital artwork is on the market.

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Fit for the NFT Showroom!

As I described in my FIRST POST which introduced the concept, my goal is to provide a clean and unique title and description for NFT artists-- whether that means proofreading and editing what they write OR creating fresh content…

1 NFT Artwork = 5 HIVE

That’s what it costs the artist. Simple. Now I just need to do it a few more times for different styles and personalities, and then I can feel more comfortable and find a rhythm. Writing is like breathing to me anyway, regardless of the atmosphere.

But like I said, I have completed one art description, and it went well. I really think it did! But there are a couple things that I’m realizing in retrospect that may help make my process even smoother and more satisfying…

  1. Everyone is different, and thus will have different ideal voices for their art. I will start probing a little deeper to find out what kind of description they want: poetic, brief and blunt, technically descriptive or anything else they may have in mind. I’m quite flexible, so I should make that more apparent to my clients. It wasn't an issue this time around, but it will help as I go forward.

  2. I actually appreciate, as a buyer, seeing additional info like the medium or media used for the piece, the date, the size of the image and if there is an associated download… so I will start suggesting it to the artists, and I can include any agreed upon info in my write-up.

So I guess I can say the 5Hive Art Project is officially underway! I didn’t expect to get much traffic, to be honest, but I did get my first customer much sooner than expected… so I’m gonna chalk it up in the WIN column.

Send an email to if you have a digital artwork that might benefit from a nuanced touch. It's often the expression of the artist's idea after the fact that can make the art itself appealing.

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How’s Your Crypto Art Collection Looking?

It’s probably not nearly complete! I know mine’s not-- and probably never will be-- but that’s why I’ve made the NFT SHOWROOM one of my regular hangouts… and you should too. There’s new art dropping all the time, and we haven’t even seen this market hit its infancy yet.

You can also place bids on the NFT art auctions if you play DCity-- often at bargain prices-- so you really have no excuse. Can you think of a more creative way to diversify your crypto portfolio anyway?

Let me know in the comments what you think of the 5Hive Art Project... are you an art collector or an NFT artist? Or a curious old-school artist? Or maybe you absolutely HATE art and you want to get that off your chest. I’m a good listener.
Cheers, in any case: keep the world beautiful.
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