4th edition lpud 15th September and the LEO & HODL Contest

HELLO HELLO today is the 15th of September

But what is special about the 15th on LeoFinance. I hear you ask?

It is #lpud or LEO Power Up Day!



Are you excited?

Well Heck yeah I am. I am for a number of reasons, but let's get this show on the road!


- Wen lpud?

ehm I just told you!
okay okay lpud is the 15th of every month.
#LPUD is Always the 15th of every month! Got it? good!

- What is lpud?

lpud stands for Leo Power Up Day
It is an event where anybody can power up their liquid Leo tokens into Leo Power.

- Do LPUDs benefit the LEO ecosystem?

Oh hell yeah they do!
Look at the figures from August:

  • 333,300 Leo Powered up
  • 470+ Lions joined, and 117 of them powered up at least 150 LEO
  • There's only 3.9% liquid LEO out of the total supply (vs 5.5% from last month)!

When the community comes together we are showing our commitment to the LEO ecosystem. We are powering up our liquid LEO, this helps keep the ecosystem throving and financially healthy!

Why should you join a LPUD event?

  • You are growing your LEO stake?
  • This will mean bigger LEO curation rewards in the future
  • You are helping the LEO ecosystem thrive
  • It shows we are in for the long haul and are investing in the LEO ecosystem as our community. I see so many people all over hive taking the short term rewards and not helping the long term health of Hive in general. Okay my pet peeve, rant over!!!
  • Power up at least 150 $leo and you are contributing to the ecosystem's long term growth and being a successful lpud participant!
  • increase your influence in the platform, stack more tokens through curation rewards.
  • you will participate in a drawing where three Leo users will win a 20k Leo delegation for 25 days!
  • 👇👇 GET THAT BADGE which is new for September 2022 👇👇


Why should you keep joining the LPUD event?

apart from showing your support to this monthly LEO initiative and prove your commitment to the growth of Leo and according to @leogrowth

we have a huge event for 2023 for everyone who powers up Leo month after month (the more months you power up, the better you will do in the event we have planned), so you better plan on stacking those badges or you'll regret it!


Step by step guide for LPUD.

So we need to power up! - Skip this if you know how.
How to buy Leo Tokens and Power up - Hive-engine and Leodex Tutorial is a cracking vid from @anomadsoul that shows you what to do!

Here is my power up for today!

I went to my LEO wallet and hit that double arrow circled in blue!


Choose the amount you want to Power Up I did all 306.378


This gave me 333.3 LP...
Do you rememebr the August total amount powered up by all Lions? It was 333,300
Four threes how fluffing spooky is that!!!

note that my total LP is actually 1,314.269 LP as I have 980.969 delegated!

So I am over halfway towards my goal of 2500 LP by the end of the year!



GO AND READ THIS POST INSTEAD from @leogrowth >>>>
Leo Power Up Day is coming and we have a BADGE for it


Is LPUD the only PUD?

There are at least 4 Power Up Days that I know of!

The original pud is HivePUD or HPUD or Hive Power Up Day, which has been around for a couple of years. This happens on the first of every month. You can badges depending on the amount of Hive you power up. The minimum is 10 Hive going up to the Jumbo bee badge for Hiverswho power up at leat 1000 Hive!

PPUD is Pizza Power Up Day and that happens on the 14th of the month for layer 2 PIZZA token.

There is a PGM Power up Day but, I think it is more a week than a day!


This is my 4th consecutive LPUD

There have only been 4 LPUDs
I remember the first one in June and we were all so excited. The minimum requirement was to power up 200 LEO, note that this has been reduced to 150 LEO
I then participated in numbers 2 and 3 which were in July and August respectively.


In the August LPUD I was lucky enough to win one of the 20k LP delegations.


It was fluffing awesome!

A big thank you to all the team for that one, I made around 300 LEO thanks to that 3 week delegation.

So hell yeah, power up get your badge and keep your fingers crossed!!!

Can we add to the LPUD event?

I have seen #LPUD evolve from the 1st to the current 4th edition. It has been a fantastic journey.

  • I think the prizes are awesome.
  • I think the LEO powerup badge is awesome.

The only thing I would add is perhaps have different badges for the amount of LEO powered up.

More importantly, though, I think is the chance for people to be recognized if they help someone for lpud.

There is a Hive Helper badge if you help someone on hivepud, I would love if we have something similar here for LPUD!


Yes I am happy that I participated in the 4th consecutive edition of the LPUD! It rocks!


If you remember in my title, I mentioned the LEO and HODL Contest. This post then also comprises my entry for LEO&HODL Contest W3 | Double Your LPUD Rewards! which was posted by @idiosyncratic1

For my Saturday Savers partner @coquicoin and Savers child @deraaa have you entered yet?
hey @nickydee I know I need to ping you and you should join the contest, what do ya think!

This contest is brought to you by @leofinance and @hodlcommunity

Did you know that you can get 90% daily liquid payment for your HIVE and LEO for your delegations to @hodlcommunity ?

Well now you do!

Happy 4th LPUD and have a great one @tengolotodo 15th September 2022 !

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